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Upasana Das

Upasana is a content marketing analyst at WareIQ. She has more than 5 years of experience in content development and copywriting. Her key responsibilities include writing well-researched SEO-based blogs. Her niche of writing expertise includes supply chain, eCommerce, warehousing and fulfilment, and SaaS, among others.

Amazon SEO 2024: A Step-By-Step Guide To Improving Your Product Listings On Amazon

Amazon SEO 2024: A Step-By-Step Guide To Improving Your Product Listings On Amazon

If you haven’t stepped on the e-commerce trend train, it is high time you do. There is a high chance that you are not fulfilling your sales potential just by selling your products on your website. The solution to all your sales problems is Amazon; however, only having a product page on Amazon will not ensure success; you want your page to appear first on the search engine results page ( SERP) when a customer tries to find a product that you are selling.  If you want the customers to buy that product from you, you must learn how to comprehend  Amazon SEO by simply cracking Amazon’s A9 algorithm. First and foremost, you have to understand that Amazon is a buying platform, and its SERP works differently than traditional search engines like Google or Bing. Hence the varying factors or elements for the A9 algorithm are much simpler but, at the same time, tricky to understand.  Every seller in the business wants a piece of the action by getting their pages through the top ranks of the Amazon SERP because they know that their customers use this platform rigorously. Therefore, in this article, we will discuss not only how the Amazon product ranking algorithm works but also take notes on some key strategies on how to rank higher on Amazon than your competitors. Let’s get into it. What is the Amazon’s Search Algorithm? Understand How Amazon Search Works. To understand the Amazon search algorithm, we must dive into the structure of algorithms as a whole. A search algorithm is a sophisticated system of ranking factors that determine which content is relevant based on a search query. These algorithms are updated and constantly evolving to improve the search experience of the customers.  The structure of Google’s search algorithm, for example, is very similar to that of Amazon. The only major difference is that Google is centered around study, navigation, and research, while Amazon’s only focus is shopping and e-commerce. The search algorithm for Amazon is called the A9 because Amazon SEO is handled by the Amazon subsidiary - A9. Before we find out how to rank higher on Amazon, let us understand how the A9 works, search Amazon, and check out the search results. The A9 matches your query to a group of relevant products, and these products are shown to you in a series of pages. The question is how Amazon selects these products to display. The answer is ranking factors that are similar to Google but only exclusively built for e-commerce. The primary factor that helps customers find your product on search is the keyword you use in your product information - title, description, etc., along with other factors such as the price, availability, reviews, sales, etc. We will discuss the several ranking factors on Amazon SEO further in this article.   [contactus_gynoveda] What Is Amazon SEO, And Why Does It Matter? Amazon Search Engine Optimization is a process that allows you to rank higher on the research results of Amazon.com. If you are constantly wondering how to rank higher on Amazon SEO, a few simple steps and tactics can help you optimize your product search, boost sales and enable the shoppers to find your brand at ease.  Following are the main reason why you must youse Amazon SEO as a seller: To generate more and more traffic to your product page and listingsTo enhance your brand as well as your product visibilityTo increase conversion rates and boost sales.  How Amazon SEO Works? To learn about optimizations made in Amazon product listings, we must first understand how Amazon SEO works. This generally includes detailed information about the search result page, sponsored products, search box, and Amazon sales rank. Search Results page Every time a shopper searches for a product on Amazon, they can see the searches or the product display in two ways - a List view where the layout features 15-16 products on the search page or a Gallery view where 24-25 products appear on every result page.  To boost your SEO ranking on the results page, certain will help you determine the same, namely - Product titles, descriptions, features, optimized images, and competitive pricing.  Sponsored Products Sponsored ads are another strategy used by Amazon sellers where they can promote individual product lists with the help of PPC or CPC campaigns. Sellers who have a Professional seller account enrolled in the Amazon Brand registry can set up these ads. After the ad is set up, Amazon will match your ads to the shopper's queries, and your product will appear to high-intent shoppers who are actively looking for product categories that are similar to your listings.  The ads usually appear on the top of a product page or sometimes are even combined with the organic results. Hence, these ads can help you increase the visibility of your product on the shopper's search results.  Search Box Amazon search box is located at the top of the platform’s homepage. Amazon SEO retrieves relevant searches for the word or phrase that has been typed in the search box and enable customers to narrow down or refine their search result. The search box helps the shoppers to find the products quickly by just typing in general keywords.  Search Filters There are various filters in place that can be used by online shoppers to customize their search results in a certain order. These are - department, best-sellers, new arrivals or realizes, featured items, customer reviews, movers and shakers, high or low price, digital content and devices, programs, and features.  Sales Rank This is the rating given to sellers based on their performance, account health, reviews, etc. If you want to know how to rank higher on Amazon, you must consider improving on these points to enhance your selling potential.  What are Amazon Search Ranking Factors? Several factors influence the Amazon search ranking or the A9 algorithm. They are- Price - When pricing your products, you must evaluate how much the shoppers are willing to pay for the categories that are similar to your product listing. A huge price difference between your product and that of your competitors can pose to be a disadvantage for you.  Stock supply - Keeping your stocks updated can ensure that your products appear on the search because running out of stock can disappear your listing and push it further down.  Text Relevance - Using the most relevant keywords in your product listing page, especially in the title and description, can optimize your product on Amazon SEO.  Sales velocity - The more products you sell, the more chances are of rankings becoming successful on Amazon. Therefore if you want to know how to rank higher on Amazon, you must have a successful sales velocity.  Optimize Your Amazon Listings in 7 Steps. Amazon SEO is a never-ending process that helps you engage with all the customers on the platform.  By focusing your efforts on seven different steps, namely - Keywords, product images, product titles, product pricing, descriptions, Key features, and backend search keywords, you can improve and optimize your product listing from an SEO standpoint. Let us discuss this in detail.  Step 1 - Amazon Keyword Ranking Research Keywords are the key to finding your products; they are a comprehensive set of words or phrases that a customer uses to find something online. Think like your customer before listing your product; what phrases or words will you use to find your product on Amazon?  While researching for keywords, you can follow these ideas - Check out the Amazon search box after typing in a bunch of words and phrases, and note down the relevant suggestions from the drop-down menu.  Compare your product search terms and take your competitors as a reference. If you type in the phrases that are relevant to your product listing, you will find the different types of searches on Amazon to begin with.  Compile a list of short and long-tail keywords that have high and low search volume, respectively. The search box is a great way to find popular keywords. Lastly, you can use the Amazon suggested and related item categories to explore new ideas for your keyword research.  Step 2 - Product Title Optimization Remember to know how to rank higher on Amazon SEO; you must think like your customers. Product titles are a great way to increase your chances of being discovered by a customer and for them to click on your product page. Following a few things like matching the title to the physical packaging, keeping the title length between 60-80characters, using punctuations, conjunctions, and capitalization, using numerical, using abbreviations, and using catchphrases (best-seller, hot items, etc.), can help you increase your search volume. Step 3 - Product Description Optimization A high-quality product description highlights the product features and usage in such a way that it enables the customers to find, analyze and purchase your products. A high-quality product description will include the following -  The Brand nameThe details like size, shape, etcThe material type used in eh productsAnd other relevant details like colors, packaging, delivery time, specs, etc Before making your product description, the seller must read and adhere to the rules and policies mentioned in the product listing guidelines and review them properly.  Step 4 - Optimizing Product Key Features Key features are bullet points that are added to the details on the product page and play a very important role in Amazon SEO. This well-written bullet points describe your product specifications, contains keywords, and communicate with the customers so that they can make a buying decision. You can follow the below-mentioned guideline to develop your bullet points -  Include five bullet points for every product and keep them under 100 characters to improve readability and appear in full on the product details page.  Prioritize and highlight the top key features of the product that you want your customers to notice and consider while making a purchase decision. Maintain consistency in all your product bullet points in terms of the order, and keep mentioning the important information that has been used in your product title and description. No promotional or pricing information should be mentioned.  Do not end the points with punctuation, and always start the first word with a capital letter. Adhere to the rules and policies of Amazon SEO and the details page Step 5 - Product Image Optimization Online shopping is heavily dependent on visualization and the ability of the customers to access your products. Hence keeping high-quality images of the products from different angles can persuade the customer to choose your product over the competitors. Always show the product you want to highlight, keep various angles, use the high resolution to minimize pixelation when zoomed in, and highlight different features of the products.  Step 6 - Search Term Optimization Search terms are backend keywords that allow you to maintain the engagement and readability of your content while making sure that Amazon SEO indexes all relevant keywords for the product. These search terms are embedded at the backend of your product listing and do not appear to the shoppers but enhance the discoverability of your product.  Some ideas to optimize search terms Include generic words, synonyms, abbreviations, and alternative names of the product. Minimize unnecessary characters and maintain the logical order of the search. Include spelling variations Avoid punctuation and repeating words such as a, an, and, by, of, etc. Use either singular or plural search terms and use all lowercase letters.  Always separate the words with spaces only Step 7 - Product Price Optimization Price can heavily influence your customer and determine the performance of your product. Research the pricing of your product based on competitors listing and develop a compelling price point. Keep in mind that overpricing your product can pose a disadvantage for you.   Five General Amazon SEO Best Practices  Caption Avoid repeating keywords at all costs. The only way to know how to rank higher on Amazon SEO is by providing a good customer experience. Only give the information your customers needs and avoid stuffing and repetition of keywords. Keep your focus on the sales copy by answering relevant questions and product inquiries. Anticipating important information about the product can help you a great deal while crafting a description. Improve your ranking by offering fast deliveries, enrolling in the brand registry and using A+ content, and becoming an Amazon Prime seller, which gives you a prime badge and your customers fast and free shipping.  Improve your listing by using basic styling tips like being descriptive but conceive, persuasive but not pushy, authentic and truthful, as well as avoiding exaggeration.  Improve your Amazon SEO game by downloading the Amazon Quick Start seller style guide that lets you customize your product detail page and its formatting.  What is Amazon’s A9 Algorithm? Source Amazon A9 is the official name for the Amazon search algorithm that looks for products and prioritizes content based on two important ranking factors -  Relevance - Revenacy is found in the keywords that are search terms embedded in your Amazon product listing. These search terms must match the search queries of the shoppers. To rank better on Amazon SEO and make your products visible to the customers, you must use the most relevant search terms in your product detail page, including the title, bullet points, description, etc. Performance - When it comes to several ranking factors make that make it is tricky to prioritize and therefore exert control. Every single aspect of your product performance requires a distinguished strategy that is based on actionable metrics along with several Amazon Seller tools. When it comes to product performance, Amazon leans on metrics like Sales Velocity/history, conversion rate, Click-through rate, stock availability, Reviews, Sponsored products, and other indirect ranking factors that can help you top Amazon SEO.  Amazon SEO Tools Source Amazon offers some SEO tools that are shortlisted below. A+ Content Listing Quality DashboardManage your Experiments and Run experiments toolsTools to add high-quality image listingsSeller Central Partner NetworkSeller UniversityAmazon Selling Coach Amazon SEO: Wrapping Up A successful Amazon SEO strategy depends on how well you understand the A9 algorithm and what it wants from the seller. When you figure this out, make sure you figure out how to make your customer happy and improve their experience. The A9 algorithm’s functionality comes down to the relevance and performance of the product page. Once you implement the ranking factors, your sales, conversion rates, and page performance will improve automatically.  Amazon SEO: FAQs What is Amazon SEO?Amazon SEO refers to the process of optimizing product listings on Amazon in order to improve their visibility in Amazon search results and ultimately drive more traffic to your product pages. How Does Amazon SEO Work?Amazon's search algorithm takes into account a variety of factors, including the relevance of the search terms to the product, the product's sales history, customer reviews and ratings, and other factors. By optimizing your product listing for these factors, you can improve your product's ranking in Amazon search results. What are Some Tools That Can Help with Amazon SEO?There are many tools available to help with Amazon SEO, including keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner and MerchantWords, analytics tools like Jungle Scout and Helium 10, and review management tools like FeedbackWhiz and AMZFinder. What are Some Best Practices for Optimizing Product Listings for Amazon SEO?Some best practices for Amazon SEO include conducting keyword research to identify relevant and high-volume search terms, optimizing your product title, description, and bullet points with those keywords, using high-quality product images, encouraging positive customer reviews, and pricing your products competitively.

April 13, 2023

Cold Chain Logistics Guide: How To Effectively  Perform Temperature-Controlled Warehousing and Shipping?

Cold Chain Logistics Guide: How To Effectively Perform Temperature-Controlled Warehousing and Shipping?

We’re all aware of how globalization in trade and commercial sectors has bridged the gaps between nations and connected the world in a more economical, technological, and innovative way, but it does not technically dissolve the physical distance between these nations. Hence, the evolution of global trading between countries had to be resolved through the safe transit of goods using cold chain logistics.  In a simpler analysis, you can create a small temperature-controlled packaging by simply filling your plastic bag with ice to carry your ice cream home without melting it, but transporting tonnes of perishable items as cargo to thousands of miles away requires time, effective coordination and most importantly temperature controlled logistics to prevent it from getting damaged.  To ensure that cargo does not get damaged because of undue temperatures, shock, or any other external factors, manufacturing companies like pharmaceutical, medical, and food rely on cold chain logistics as an important part of their eCommerce operation. In this article, we will explore key information on cold chain logistics so that it can be implemented in your business logistics requirements.  What is Cold Chain Logistics? Cold chain logistics is the science, technology, and process that is required in the transportation of temperature-sensitive products during the supply chain operation employing technology like temperature-controlled packaging methods and effective coordination and planning of the transit operation.  To execute a cold-chain logistics operation, deep knowledge, and understanding are required of the perishability of the items that you will be shipping. Further, cold chain logistics is completely dependent on physical technologies that ensure that due temperatures are controlled throughout the operation. Some of these technologies and methods include refrigerated trucks and rail cars, temperature-controlled containers in cargo ships, and air cargo.  [contactus_gynoveda] Elements Of A Cold Chain Logistics Cold chain logistics is a comprehensive process of preparing, storing, transporting, and monitoring temperature-sensitive products that need to be shipped. Hence a lot of components are involved that you must be aware of before executing such a logistics operation. These elements involve :  Cooling Systems - These systems are utilized to bring the goods to the required temperature and manage it during every supply chain process, including processing, storing, and transporting.  Cold Storage - These are facilities where goods and products are stored with temperature-controlled technology, waiting to be transported.Cold Transport - Temperature and humid controlled containers where the cargo is shipped.Cold Processing And Distribution - Cold processing facilities help in the processing of goods with the help of sanitation techniques, and distribution deals with the loading of crates, pallets, and boxes that are also kept in temperature-controlled environments while being distributed.  How To Provide Temperature-Controlled Environments In Cold Chain Logistics?  It is important to note that different types of products require different temperatures and control methods to maintain their integrity and avoid damage. Hence, to implement a cold chain operation, you must have the right knowledge of transporting temperature-controlled cargo and how they should be adapted based on shipping circumstances. The vitality and shelf-life of these products are heavily dependent on how you can successfully maintain the temperature range throughout the supply chain process.  Any temperature-sensitive shipment across an extended period of time will largely depend on the type of container being used, its packaging, and most importantly, the refrigeration method, which accounts for 20% of the energy consumption.  When we speak about packaging, several factors, like the size of shipment, outside temperature, period of transit, etc., must be taken into consideration before deciding what type of technology will be used during the packaging process. Following are some of the cold chain packaging technologies that can help you enable a temperature-controlled environment during transportation.  Suggested Read: What is Custom Packaging? Quilts - These are large pieces of insulated materials that are wrapped around or placed over the freight that act as a buffer in temperature variations and keep it relatively constant throughout the transit. Hence, if you want to keep frozen goods at the same temperature, this can be a useful technology, but it does not work as effectively as a refrigerated container. Quilts also help in maintaining the temperature of the freight as opposed to the varying outside conditions. Reefers - These are temperature-controlled transportation units like a minivan, small truck, semi-trailer, or an ISO standard container that allows the circulation of temperature-controlled air, which is maintained inside with the help of an independent refrigerator. It can maintain both cool and warm temperatures inside the vehicle. Dry Ice - Dry ice is solid carbon-di-oxide at a temperature of about -80°C used to keep frozen shipments like food, pharmaceutical drugs, and exploitative goods in refrigerated unit devices for an extended period, mostly during air cargo transportation.Gel Packs - These are phase-changing substances that can go from solid to liquid or vice versa to maintain the internal temperature of the cargo and capture the escaping energy. Gel packs are mostly used to keep large pharmaceutical and medical shipments under their desired range between 2 and 8°C.Liquid Nitrogen - This is a chemical substance that remains in the gaseous state at about -196°C, mostly used to keep the cargo frozen over a long period. This is a very hazardous cold storage substance and is mainly used during the transportation of biological cargo like tissues or organs.Eutectic Plates- These are cold plates, much like gel packs but can be reused many times. These have a lot of applications but mostly for shorter transits, such as temperature-controlled deliveries in suitable areas, night deliveries, etc.  Suggested Read: Looking for top Cold Storage Companies for Sellers in India? Differences Between Cold Chain and Normal Supply Chain [table id=69 /] Benefits Of Cold Chain Logistics Cold chain logistics play an important role in global food safety management by providing vital and good quality food, drugs, and other products to the world’s remotest region. For consumers, it means fresh and standard goods, and for companies in the modern business, it poses the following benefits -  Reduced product spoilage, thus leading to improved profits.Lower the risk of damaged goods reaching the consumers; hence it reduces the possibilities of legal and public relations liabilities. Extended shelf life of products, better quality ensuring continuity of goods, repeat orders, and strong customer support.An extended transportation area means that companies can now reach new markets and improve export and contributions.Since food and medical regulations are strict all over the world, cold chain logistics allows better compliance with these regulations. Cold Chain Logistics Use Cases Source The necessity of new drugs and the constant demand for exotic goods all around the world have made multiple industries, like agriculture, manufacturing, healthcare, etc. to be dependent on cold chain logistics. Let us explore the uses of the same based on specific industries.  Food Industry  Cold chain logistics give you warehousing and transportation facilities that are completely temperature-controlled and maintain humidity levels. Following are some of the general temperature settings for different types of goods -  Deep Frozen Meat & Seafood :  -30° C and -18° C (-22° F and -0.4° F)Frozen Meat and Seafood :  -18° C and 0° C (-0.4° F and 32° F)Perishable Cold Fruits, Vegetables and Dairy Goods :  7° C and 14° C (44.6° F and 57.2° F)Fresh Produce : 14° C and 24° C (57.2° F and 75.2° F) Pharmaceuticals And Healthcare Industry There has been a steady growth in the demand for cold chain logistics by the pharma industries and it is predicted to be worth $ 21.3 billion by the end of 2024. To maintain the vitality of biological cargo, vaccines, and medicines and to adhere to regulations set by governing bodies, certain temperatures need to be maintained while shipping pharma cargo. These general readings are -  Medicines :  2° C and 8° C (36° F and 46° F)Biological Cargo : 2° to 8°C and sometimes down to -80°CVaccines ( eg COVID - 19) :  -70°C Cold Chain Standards And Regulations Goods that are shipped using Cold chain logistics are very sensitive and can cause direct implications for public safety. Hence a lot of government institutions and bodies set regulations around the operation to ensure the safe storage and shipping of these goods. Following are some of the standard regulators -  The US Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) is responsible for developing regulations and standards for the entire supply chain process, including processing, packaging, storage, delivery, and documentation.In Europe, the Goods Distribution Practises sets the main standards of packaging and distribution.Guidelines for the international packaging and shipping of vaccines are regulated by the World Health Organization (WHO)Perishable cargo regulations are standardized by the International Air Transport Organization (IATA) Further, there are other standalone government institutions and those based on individual countries, like the US Customs, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), the Department of Transportation (DOT), the Global Cold Chain Alliance (GCCA), etc.,  that ensure the safety compliance of logistics operations.  Common Cold Chain Management Issues Cold chain logistics can have management issues and problems during the supply chain operation. Let us recognize them before they can arise -  Quality Issues with the Product - Thee can be product quality issues with the cargo from the beginning; hence cleaning, sorting, and proper sanitization processes must be done before packaging and loading. Improper Packaging - This can lead to contamination and damage of the product during transportation. Improper Documentation - Cold chain logistics operations require proper documentation and record keeping, especially because these stored records analyze important information like storage temperatures, handling instructions, etc., which is crucial to prevent unavoidable conditions from spoiling the load. Transportation Delays - Cold chain logistics are very time sensitive, and any delay in shipment or transportation can destroy the cargo. External Conditions - Variations in temperature due to external conditions like hot climate, improper handling, improper pre-cooling, leaving the doors open, loading, faulty cooling containers, etc., can create huge problems during cold chain logistics.  WareIQ: Fulfilling Cold Chain Logistics Across India Today 3PL and other freight forwarding companies have been taking the burden of cold chain logistics enforcement off the shoulders of manufacturers across various verticals. these companies provide guided expectations and exceptional services fuelled by expertise when it comes to transporting goods that are temperature sensitive.  One of the most important aspects that go unnoticed in executing cold chain logistics is integration planning and control of various elements of the supply chain. This can only be done with the proper use of data that can be curated manually from various sources. With the rise in the demand for cold chain logistics, 3PL and other logistics companies are rigorously investing in smart technology and data science to harmonize the entire operation. It is to be noted that data is streamlining industries and allowing more accurate decisions to be made in logistics. Such accuracy is very important when dealing with time-sensitive perishable items, which in the likelihood of getting damaged or destroyed, can cause huge losses to the reputation and functionality of any business. Modern practices in cold chain logistics and the constant evolution and technological contribution in the industry have led to a steep decline in the possibility of an error.  Who knows, soon we might be able to send millions of goods across the world in just a matter of time and with intact quality and greater ease, creating endless possibilities and opportunities for expansion and development in the remotest of regions. The sector has a long way to go, but the beginning is here.  Cold Chain Logistics: FAQs What is Cold Chain Logistics?Cold chain logistics refers to the management and transportation of temperature-sensitive products, such as food, pharmaceuticals, and vaccines, using specialized equipment and processes to maintain their quality and integrity. What are the Challenges of Cold Chain Logistics?The challenges of cold chain logistics include maintaining the required temperature range throughout the supply chain, ensuring proper handling and storage of products, managing inventory and logistics, and complying with regulations and standards. What are Some Common Technologies Used in Cold Chain Logistics?Some common technologies used in cold chain logistics include temperature sensors, data loggers, GPS tracking, RFID tags, and cloud-based data management systems. How Can I Ensure The Safety and Quality of My Temperature-Sensitive Products During Cold Chain Logistics?You can ensure the safety and quality of your temperature-sensitive products during cold chain logistics by working with a reliable and experienced logistics provider, using validated packaging and equipment, monitoring temperature throughout the supply chain, and implementing a robust quality management system.

April 06, 2023

List of Top 10 Logistics Companies in Guwahati in 2024 to Handle Logistics Operations of Retail Businesses

List of Top 10 Logistics Companies in Guwahati in 2024 to Handle Logistics Operations of Retail Businesses

Guwahati, also known as the ‘Gateway to North-East India,’ is the capital city of Assam and serves as a hub of retail and wholesale distribution to several businesses in the northeastern region. The city is rich in flora and fauna and is strategically located close to national highways that connect Assam to several northeastern states and the entire northeast region to the whole of India. Guwahati has seen a rise in major economic activities in and around the region; therefore, it serves as an important transportation hub for a lot of important manufacturers.  If we dive into the economic abundance of the city, it flows with the artistic impressions of the people. The city produces premium Assamese silk, which is famous all over the world. The handicrafts produced by cane, bamboo, and terracotta, along with the most popular production and processing of tea, are accomplished in this part of the country.  If you are among the top eCommerce or retail businesses that require state-of-the-art warehousing, logistics, and transportation facilities, you can explore our curated list of the top logistics companies in Guwahati that will provide you with the best supply chain management solutions. Let us explore this further. Top 10 Logistics Companies in Guwahati in 2023 Choosing the right logistics partner is a very crucial step for your business. Researching and exploring a new set of companies on the internet is a very tedious process that can often leave you confused and back to square one. However, having enough experience to analyze the logistics markets of several regions, we have developed the following list of the top logistics companies in Guwahati that must be under your radar.  1. WareIQ Founding Year: 2019 Location: Guwahati Source WareIQ is a leading logistics company that provides businesses with a comprehensive range of logistics services. With a focus on speed, reliability, and flexibility, WareIQ's logistics solutions are designed to streamline operations and improve the bottom line. One of the key features of WareIQ's logistics services is their use of advanced technology to provide real-time tracking, automated order processing, and seamless communication between all stakeholders. Whether you're looking to optimize your supply chain, reduce logistics costs, or improve delivery times, WareIQ has the expertise and resources to meet your logistics needs. Key Features Fast and timely deliveryFlexible storage optionsDedicated 24/7 customer supportSame day deliveryLive-tracking [signup] 2. RCPL Logistic Cargo Services Source Founding Year - 1997 Location - Vill , Kera Kuchi Bihar Wadi, Guwahati RCPL Logistic Cargo Services is one of the leading logistics companies in Guwahati that offers multi-modal logistics services intending to diversify supply chain solutions, deliver timely cargo, and ensure safe transit across the country. RCPL has 55 branches spread nationwide, 100 delivery destinations, and a daily cargo handling capacity of over 230 tonnes, proving to be one of the market's steadily growing players.  The firm employs over 400 industry professionals and is headed by the Managing Director, Mr. Manish Gupta, whose supervision has allowed the company to set benchmarks for itself and its competitors in the field, as well as given RCPL the edge it deserves. RPCL specializes in on-time delivery through Air, Train, and Surface Express. Apart from this, it provides other supply chain solutions like warehousing, packaging, etc.  Key Features Committed and on-time deliveryMaximum customer satisfactionMaximum reach with more than 200 dedicated weatherproof containerized vehicles for road express transport Associations with all airlines to make the process easyAdvanced tracking facilityTrain cargo surface over extensive terrain100% safe and secure delivery 3. Jain Groups Private Limited Source Founding Year - 1999 Location - AG Colony Rd, Lalmati, Guwahati, Assam 781040 Jain Group is among the ISO-certified logistics companies in Guwahati, providing one-stop solutions for CFA/C&A/3PL, warehousing, MIS, and Accounts receivables. Packaging, Material Handling, re-labeling, distribution, repackaging solutions, etc. Jain Groups ensures seamless supply chain services to companies across verticals like Pharma, FMCG, Consumer Durables, Paints, etc. The firm is equipped with North East’s best state-of-the-art infrastructures and uses highly advanced technologies to ensure world-class services to its customers.  The Jain Group believes in admirable quality and robust solutions; it caters to over 2500+ Distributors, whole-sellers, retailers, direct patients & hospitals across every district, town, and city of northeastern India. It has nearly 20,000 pallet storage capacity with pre-defined areas for ambient, AC & Cold storage. The company is spearheaded by the Managing Director, Mr. Pratik Jain, and has been growing under the influence of its founder Mr. Rahendra Kumar Jain.  Key Features Temperature and humidity-controlled warehousesPlastic PalletsGoods barcode scanner servicesIndustrial liftsPlatform or heavy-duty trolleyCentralized AC system Racking and fire hydrant system Suggested Read: Looking for top Cold Storage Companies in India? 4. ABC India Ltd Source Founding Year - 1962 Location - Beharbari, Lalmati, Guwahati, Assam Founded by Shri PD Agarwal Ji, ABC India is one of the top logistics companies in Guwahati, with Aisia’s largest road networks. The company was built on the values of teamwork, innovation, Integrity, efficiency, and excellence. It serves as a logistics partner to all states in India and provides simple supply chain solutions to its clients based on 63 years of experience and the most advanced web-based technology that ensures quality service at every step.  ABC has a pan-India presence of over 35+ locations and serves logistics solutions in some of the most challenging and remotest destinations in the country. Over the next decade, the company aims to become carbon neutral and address the largest disruption as well as a master in trucking that stems from climate change, automation, and digitization.  Key Features Operational in 35 cities in IndiaA vendor base of 2500Complete logistics for ODC and project cargo for the most challenging projectsLow cost, demand, and personalized digital FTL services all over India 5. Om Logistics Ltd Source Founding Year - 1978 Location - Ahom Gaon, Guwahati, Assam Om Logistics is one of the multi-modal logistics companies in Guwahati with a steep presence in the entire country. It is a flagship company of the Om Group that provides a comprehensive set of logistics services to its customers, all under one roof. Keeping in mind that businesses these days prefer faster deliveries at the most efficient rates that reach their consumers in perfect condition, Om Logistics has built its infrastructure around the same principle and aims to expand along with its manufacturers. The firm provides services like Warehousing, air/railway/sea cargo, Import/export services, 3PL Logistics, FTL, PLT, Supply chain, and express cargo solutions.  Key Features Om Logistics is connected by 675+ branch offices keeping together 2500+ destinationsOffices are loaded with automated and state-of-the-art communications and IT systemsThe owned fleet size of over 4500 trucks, LCVs, Jumbo & Containers20 million sqft of warehouse capacityWell-trained and highly qualified workforce to handle logistics coordination 6. Aeropict Logistics Source Founding Year - 2018 Location - Rajbari, Ulubari, Guwahati Aeropict Logistics is one of the most progressive logistics companies in Guwahati that provides its customers with premium supply chain management services that are equipped with the most advanced technologies. The company firmly believes in addressing the needs of cost-effective logistics solutions for its customers and giving them the standard that they deserve.  With their unique approach to transportation and supply chain management, Aeropict allows customers to save extensively in their supply chains and simplify the entire process. Since its inception, the company has proved to be a true leader and partner in the third part logistics industry. Key Features Advanced Sea freight servicesTactical road transportationSuper fast air freight servicesWide network for railway logisticsWell-equipped packaging and storage facilityWarehousing services Suggested Read: What is Freight Forwarding? 7. Speedex Logistics Packers And Movers Source Founding Year - 2018 Location - Rabha Path, Beltola Tiniali, Guwahati Speedex Logistics is an IBA-approved packer, mover, and among the top logistics companies in Guwahati that offers a wide variety of logistics and supply chain services. The company believes in catering to cost-effective solutions for the common man and promises the timely delivery of cargo to its desired destination. They personalize packing and moving solutions for their customers, keeping in mind every individual requirement.  The expert and trained staff and crew are well-equipped to execute a smooth and seamless relocation process for all its customers. The company is reliable, dependable, and the most trusted firm in the area. Services provided by Speedex packers and movers include 0 Household shifting, relocation, car transportation and shifting, office shifting, and international relocation. Warehousing, logistics bike transportation, commercial goods transportation, ODC transportation, Parcel services, Fine art packing, moving services, etc. Key Features Trained professionals and quality packers and movers services and logistics companies in GuwahatiOwns a large fleet of trucks and trailers equipped with the latest technologiesSafety and security guaranteedInsurance provided for cargo 8. LogisticMart Source Founding Year - 2010 Location - Dispur, Guwahati Developed by RIMS BizzServe Pvt Ltd, LogisticMart has been providing premier logistics solutions through online and eCommerce platforms and then search portals serving as the leading logistics companies in Guwahati. The company was founded by Mr. Mukesh Singh to connect people with the best logistics companies in Guwahati and India that offer exclusive and high-quality supply chain management services. It also provides essential information for the right relocation partner in and around your vicinity.  Staffed with young and enthusiastic minds, the company, since its inception, has set out to serve quality and affordable solutions for customers all across the country. LogisticMart is located in India’s top metropolitan cities like Bangalore, Pune, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Mumbai, etc, and is trusted by 11,70,283 customers nationwide. Their logistics segment includes packers and movers, car transportation, hire truck tempo, cargo services, warehouses, etc. Key Features 6387+ verified service providers4.7/5 average ratingRegistered with more than 6000 verified logistics companies8+ years in the industry  9. Xfas Logistics Guwahati Source Founding Year - 2003 Location - Rehabari, Guwahati Xfas Logistics is among the logistics companies in Guwahati that are built from the ground up by young professionals who are experts in the field of courier and logistics management. The company offers a wide range of logistics solutions to clients across various commercial verticals. Efficiency, timely delivery, and professionalism are the forte of Xfas logistics and commitment to quality management and time-bound execution. Xfas is driven by advanced technological prowess, and its hubs are well-equipped with computerized operations, high scanning tech, high-speed internet connection, etc., that streamlines the shipping and entire logistics process. The firm provides delivery solutions to over 20,000 locations across India, has reputable and big distribution networks, and is backed up by large fleet power.  Key Features Providers of high-volume consignment deliveryPartnered with leading banks and other corporates to deliver documents that cater to SLA requirementsHigh-level customer satisfactionWell-maintained and latest infrastructure. 10. Spoton Logistics Pvt Ltd Source Founding Year - 2014 Location - Ahom Gaon, Guwahati Spoton Logistics Pvt Ltd, which was formerly known as Startrek Logistics, is an Indian courier company and is one of the logistics companies in Guwahati to be funded by a private equity firm that employs more than 900 people across India. Spoton Logistics serves 22,000+ pin codes and has 252 located offices, 16 major hubs, 8 depots, and 447 operating fleets.  The main headquarters for Spoton is in Bangalore, and it serves logistics solutions to a wide variety of industry verticals, namely Automotive, Engineering, Pharma, Electronics and amp, Lifestyle, Retail, etc. To expand its spectrum, Spoton combined itself with the 3PL company Raag Technologies and Services by buying its majority stake. Key Features Day-definite domestic servicesExpress logisticsReverse logisticsPan India NetworkIndustrial experience and a strong management team [contactus_uth] WareIQ - Your Trusted Logistics Partner in Guwahati A lot must be considered when you are in search of the right logistics partner for your business. You must take into regard whether or not the company can offer you flexible logistics solutions that can cater to the constant changes in your business structure or not. Since replacing your logistics company every time is not a very sustainable solution. More so, you must compare these companies wisely based on who provides the best services at the most affordable price.  Sometimes, third-party logistics companies in Guwahati that offer cheap supply chain services are not up to the standard of your business or the market entirely. Hence, the perfect combination of the best services at a minimum cost is essential. Further, your logistics partner must have a wide distribution network, with strong technologically enforced fleets, strategically located warehouses, and reliable infrastructure so that they can keep up with repeat orders and uplift your revenue numbers.  Lastly, third-party logistics companies in Guwahati are rapidly welcoming and adopting the latest warehousing, transportation, and other supply chain management technologies along with a well-trained staff who can operate the same so that they can drive a seamless logistics operation for your business and, in turn, provide your customers, with the best experience they can imagine. We have briefly listed how important it is to choose a reliable logistics partner for your business. Now all you need to do is create your shortlist while referring to the above-mentioned list of the top logistics companies in Guwahati and get your orders flowing.  Suggested Read: List of Top 10 Warehousing Companies in Guwahati in 2023 Providing Exceptional Warehousing and Logistics Services Logistics Companies in Guwahati: FAQs What Services Do Logistics Companies In Guwahati Offer?Logistics companies in Guwahati offer a wide range of services including transportation, warehousing, packaging, inventory management, freight forwarding, customs clearance, and supply chain management. How Do I Choose The Right Logistics Company For My Business In Guwahati?You should consider factors such as the company's experience and reputation, its range of services, pricing, network and infrastructure, and customer service when choosing a logistics company in Guwahati. Are Logistics Companies In Guwahati Reliable?Yes, most logistics companies in Guwahati are reliable and have a good track record. However, it is important to do your research and choose a reputable and experienced company to ensure smooth and efficient logistics operations for your business. How Much Do Logistics Companies In Guwahati Charge For Their Services?The cost of logistics services in Guwahati varies depending on the type and volume of goods, the distance of transportation, the mode of transportation, and other factors. It is best to request quotes from different logistics companies and compare their pricing and services before making a decision. Do Logistics Companies In Guwahati Offer Insurance For My Goods?Yes, many logistics companies in Guwahati offer insurance for goods in transit to protect against loss, damage, or theft. It is important to discuss insurance options with your logistics provider and choose the right coverage based on your needs and budget. Which are the Best Logistics Companies in Guwahati?Guwahati is a hub of some well-known logistics companies. Here is a list of a few names:1. WareIQ2. RCPL Logistic Cargo Services3. Jain Groups Private Limited4. ABC India Ltd5. Om Logistics Ltd6. Aeropict Logistics7. Speedex Logistics Packers And Movers8. Gati Ltd9. LogisticMart10. Xfas Logistics Guwahati11. Spoton Logistics Pvt Ltd12. North East Carriers Pvt Ltd13. Express Roadways Pvt. Ltd.14. Agarwal Packers and Movers Ltd15. DTDC Express Ltd

April 05, 2023

Top 10 Logistics Companies in Madurai for eCommerce, D2C, and B2B Retailers in 2024

Top 10 Logistics Companies in Madurai for eCommerce, D2C, and B2B Retailers in 2024

Logistics and transportation of goods involve a lot more than just loading and unloading trucks. So the question arrives, why do you need logistics companies in Madurai? The answer is simple; these companies are completely responsible for the coordination and management of a large number of people and huge volumes of freight combined with technology and transportation to ensure that goods are delivered to the merchants and the customers on time and in a safe condition.  A good logistics management system can give businesses a competitive edge in the market. It streamlines their business processes so that they can focus on other things to develop and grow. Hence, to contribute to the cause, we have created a list of the largest logistics companies in Madurai so that you can explore their key features, learn about their operations and decide which logistics partner is right for your enterprise. Let us explore.  10 Best Logistics Companies in Madurai in 2023 The following top 10 logistics companies in Madurai are not ranked or rated in any manner. Instead, they are summarized, and each is highlighted with its key feature. Read to know more.  1. WareIQ Source Founding Year: 2019 WareIQ is the best logistics company in Madurai that offers a range of logistics services designed to meet the needs of modern businesses. With a focus on speed, reliability, and flexibility, WareIQ's logistics solutions are designed to help businesses streamline their operations and improve their bottom line. Some of the key features of WareIQ's logistics services in Madurai include: Key Features Advanced technology: WareIQ leverages advanced technology to provide real-time tracking, automated order processing, and seamless communication between all stakeholders.Fast delivery times: WareIQ's logistics services are designed to ensure fast and timely delivery, helping businesses meet their customer's expectations.Flexible storage options: WareIQ's warehouses in Madurai are equipped to handle a wide range of products and offer flexible storage options to suit the unique needs of each business.Excellent customer support: WareIQ's dedicated customer support team is available 24/7 to assist businesses with any logistics-related queries or concerns. [signup] 2. DTDC   Source Founding Year - 1990 Location - Ellis Nagar, Madurai Logistics companies in Madurai are plenty. Still, if you are looking for the country’s leading logistics provider, DTDC has no match in terms of physical networks and customer access points in India. DTSC started by promoting itself as the country’s first logistics firm to implement Channel Partners, a network of entrepreneurs, to establish relationships and business verticals. Since then, DTDC has morphed itself into a home-breed courier, parcel, and express delivery company that provides an extensive range of services, starting from traditional pick-ups, deliveries, integrated warehousing services, order fulfillment services, etc. DTDC is in a strategic partnership with GeoPost, the express logistics division of a French-owned business group; this partnership allows DTDC to share international networks and build a global presence.  Key Features 1500+ fleet vehicles and 580 operating facilities2.21 million sqft of the area under management14,000 Physical customer access pointsServicing in 14,000pin codesShipping to 220 countries and territories across the globe 3. Pricol Logistics  Source Founding Year - 2002 Location - W569+9W9, Madurai, Tamil Nadu Pricol Logistics is a renowned logistics company in Madurai with a combined experience of 10-25 years in the logistics and freight forwarding industry. Recently the firm has ventured into domestic cargo express delivery, carrying out the operation with a self-owned fleet. Pricol Logistics offers a complete set of services, namely domestic transportation and air and ocean freight forwarding services. Customs clearance, warehousing, material handling services, etc. All of the solutions provided by the firm are technologically backed up by strong management systems and IT-enabled software.  Key Features 24-hour track and trace in real timeDedicated warehousing space and best-in-class handling material1–% barcode integrated and system-generated MIS reportsAndroid app for pickup and delivery managementSpecially trained manpower 4. Om logistics Source Founding Year - 1978 Location - Vishal Nagar Phase, Madurai Om logistics is one of the multi-modal logistics companies in Madurai with a steep presence in the entire country. It is a flagship company of the Om Group that provides a comprehensive set of logistics services to its customers, all under one roof. Keeping in mind that businesses these days prefer faster deliveries at the most efficient rates that reach their consumers in perfect condition, Om logistics has built its infrastructure around the same principle and aims to expand along with its manufacturers. The firm provides services like Warehousing, air/railway/sea cargo, Import/export services, 3PL Logistics, FTL, PLT, Supply chain, and express cargo solutions.  Key Features Om Logistics is connected by 675+ branch offices keeping together 2500+ destinationsOffices are loaded with automated and state-of-the-art communications and IT systemsThe owned fleet size of over 4500 trucks, LCVs, Jumbo & Containers20 million sqft of warehousing spaceWell-trained and highly qualified workforce to handle logistics coordination 5. AVG Logistics Source Founding Year - 2010 Location  - Jay Nagar, Madurai Prompted by Mr. Sanjay Gupta and among the few logistics companies in Mduria to be ISO accredited, AVG Logistics is backed up by 30+ years of experience and has executed freight movement on some of the most difficult rail routes along with the deployment of 32ft containers on high volume road routes to reduce cost. The firm envisions providing customized logistics solutions to its customers and focuses purely on every supply-chain service that is included in transportation and warehousing. AVG has served commercial giants like Nestle, ITC, Mondelez, GSK, Airtel, Mother Dairy, UltraTech Cement, and so on. Key Features 500+ highly skilled, dedicated professionals24X7 integrated logistics services across the countryFleet operation of over 1200+ fully-equipped trucks, including hired and owned dry/reefer vehicles.354,000 sqft of extensive warehousing spaceWeatherproof, containerized vehicles for FTL, LTL, ODC, trailers, parcel, and project services 6. EYI Logistics  Source Founding Year - 2020 Location - S Veli St, Madurai Equipped to deal with complex and ever-changing supply chain solutions, EYI is among the non-resource-based logistics companies in Madurai with access to one of the world’s biggest systems of air, sea, and road transportation. EYI logistics has leveraged its worldwide transportation connection and warehousing capacities to streamline payload transportation and dispersion forms to establish strong supply chains. It focuses on remarkable administrative processes to rapidly provide innovative solutions to its customers. Service set includes - Local Moving, Long Distance Moving, Warehousing services, global packaging services, etc.  Key Features 4-step moving processLong-distance movingSafe shipmentEffective market price 7. TNT Express Shipping  Source Location - Mestry, Madurai Founding Year - 1946 TNT Express Shipping, now acquired by FedEx, has been delivering logistics and other supply chain solutions for over 70 years. The firm believes in providing utmost care and attention when delivering every consignment because they add value to customers. TNT harbors an integrated door-to-door network and covers every shipping requirement for its customers.  Key Features Open to urgent and special deliveriesElectronic invoices, smarter shipping techniques, and enhanced experience through the customer web formMore than 400,000 global team members 8. Zoe Link Logistics Source Founding Year - 2018 Location - T.B. ROAD, Madurai Zoe Link is a Supply chain service provider and among the logistics companies in Madurai to offer a combined set of services like Parcel services, railway parcel services, road transport services, air cargo services, etc. The firm caters to customer experience and directs all its activities into providing excellent and high-quality service to its clients so that they can build and maintain healthy relationships. Mr. Samsun Devraj is the pioneer behind the brand and has given it direction to attain exponential development in today’s market. Key Features Door-to-door servicesFast transit systemsConvenient shipment for a part and small loadsScheduled departures and on-time arrivalsSafe handling as per Goods Distribution Practices 9. Kavi International Logistics Source Founding Year - 2013 Location - Kolathur, Madurai Kavi International, a leading manufacturer and one of the top logistics companies in Madurai, caters to customers' expectations by providing them with high-quality services, which include - Shipping Containers, office containers, Cargo containers, Office Cabin, Mobile containers, etc. Apart from this, the firm also provides logistics services, Interior flooring services, Shipping container services, etc. Kavi International, which is based in Tamil Nadu, has built an exceptional infrastructure that includes departments like a manufacturing unit, quality check unit, packaging, and transportation unit so that the operating system remains flawless.  Key Features Portable and customizable storage containersTimely DeliveryWide distribution networkExtended industrial experience and knowledge 10. Taakt logistics Source Founding Year - 2018 Location - Kochadai, Madurai If you are looking for reliable logistics companies in Madurai, Taakt logistics can be the right partner for your business. This firm is well-experienced with the challenges that come across in logistics operations, and hence they keep their systems updated as per technological developments from time to time. The team is trained to implement a customer-first attitude for every client. The entire process, from truck transportation to warehouse management, is handled in-house. The team is also well-equipped to deliver and transport hazardous materials under government norms in safe and sound conditions. Taakt looks after everything from inventory planning and management to warehousing, procurement of goods and services, packaging, storage, transportation, and customer service. Key Features Timely DeliveriesComplete and real-time tracking systemCustomer servicesCost-effective solutionsWide distributional network and professionally hired workforce [contactus_gynoveda] What are the Seven Pillars of Effective Logistics? Source Strategic Sourcing Of Materials Materials play a much more important role in logistics and are more robust than looking for raw material suppliers for manufacturing units. A variety of factors must be kept in mind when strategically sourcing materials, such as price, seasonality, inventory, shelf life, quality, etc. All of these factors must be taken into consideration before planning out your material source. Transportation in Logistics Transportation in logistics refers to the movement of goods from the point of origin to the destination. To execute this, good logistics companies in Madurai and other parts of the country first decide on the best mode of shipment, i.e., air, sea, railway, or road. Then the next step is to find the best carrier or 3PL depending on the time, cost, and efficiency. The right transportation will contribute to the logistics operation positively. Order Fulfillment Logistics companies in Madiura take care of order fulfillment on behalf of their customers. This means that the cargo must be transported, packaged, labeled, and then shipped in the same sequence to complete the logistics process. All these processes complete the order fulfillment stage.  Warehousing and Storage Warehousing is the storage of goods in distribution routes so that manufacturers can easily send the goods to their customers. These warehouses are either in-house or owned by third-party logistics or freight forwarding companies. While planning for logistics, you must ensure that the warehouse is fully equipped with WMS technology to enable the optimization of warehouse spaces and to fulfill special requirements like cold storage, docking facilities, analyzing the proximity to the modes of transportation, and so on.  Predicting Demand The ability to forecast demand and supply is one of the utmost pillars of logistics planning. This process makes sure that during high demand, the warehouse is stocked with the goods, and in times of low order volumes, you are not taking up space or spending extra money for space that is not being used. When the demand is predicted, the ability of your logistics partner to determine how much of each product will be required increases.  Managing Inventory Logistics means the inventory must be moved to wherever it receives the highest traction. Inventory management allows businesses to plan for things like seasonal demands where the inventory needs to be stocked up. It enables them to figure out which items are high in numbers and requires to be kept on sale or discounts. It also lets them re-invest in products that are high in demand by clearing up goods that are just taking up inventory space.  Shipment Tracking A few years ago, it was difficult to determine whether a truckload of cargo will or would not arrive safely at your warehouse, but with the introduction of advanced technology in the logistics industry, logistics companies in Madurai have made it a standard to enable real-time tracking of their shipment (along with tech-enabled oms software). This streamlines the supply chain process, keeps the operation transparent, and allows customers to have constant updates on their packages.  WareIQ is the Trusted Logistics Company Choice in Madurai It is not an easy decision to choose the right logistics partner, but a narrowed-down list will help you discover the top logistics companies in Madurai, so instead of 150+, you only have to choose from the top 10. Make sure you analyze your business and allow yourself to think about what services you require the most to actively reduce costs and increase operational efficiencies.  Suggested Read: 10 Best Shipping and Logistics Companies in Chennai for eCommerce, D2C, and B2B Retail Businesses in 2023 Logistics Companies in Madhurai: FAQs What are the Services Offered By Logistics Companies in Madurai?Logistics companies in Madurai offer a wide range of services, including transportation, warehousing, inventory management, order fulfillment, packaging, and customs clearance. How Do Logistics Companies Ensure the Timely Delivery of Goods?Logistics companies in Madurai use advanced technology and supply chain management systems to optimize their operations and ensure timely delivery. They also have a network of transport carriers and warehouses strategically located to minimize lead times. What is the Cost of Logistics Services in Madurai?The cost of logistics services in Madurai depends on the type of service required, the volume of goods, and the distance to be covered. Logistics companies in Madurai typically offer competitive pricing and can provide customized quotes based on the business's specific needs. How Do Logistics Companies Ensure the Safety of Goods During Transportation and Storage?Logistics companies in Madurai use best-in-class security measures, including CCTV surveillance, access control systems, and fire safety systems, to ensure the safety of goods during transportation and storage. They also use packaging materials that provide adequate protection for goods. How Can I Track My Shipments and Monitor the Status of my Orders?Most logistics companies in Madurai provide real-time tracking and monitoring services that allow businesses to track their shipments, monitor the status of their orders, and receive updates on any issues that may arise. These services are often accessible through an online portal or mobile application.

April 01, 2023

Top 10 Logistics Companies in Ghaziabad for Fastest Deliveries in 2024

Top 10 Logistics Companies in Ghaziabad for Fastest Deliveries in 2024

Having a seamless logistics operation ensures the successful growth of any business. Especially in a country like India, where traders, importers, and exporters are exponentially contributing to economic growth, the demand for solid logistics has also skyrocketed.  The logistics industry in the country grows at a rate of 10-12% annually and is expected to hit $380 billion by 2025; this figure is testimony to the fact that several logistics companies in India are increasing in number.  All the planning, controlling, storing, and figuring out the movement of commercial goods or cargo comes under the responsibility of a logistics company. They provide cost-efficient and hassle-free transportation and storage solutions to businesses. However, finding the proper logistics partner among the crowd is a tough nut to crack. Having done region-wise research of the entire country, in this following article, we have the top logistics companies in Ghaziabad.  Best Logistics Companies In Ghaziabad There are many logistics companies in Ghaziabad, but here is a list of the top 10 most reliable logistics partners. Let us find out.  1. WareIQ Source Founding Year: 2019 WareIQ is a trusted logistics partner in Ghaziabad that offers exceptional warehousing and order fulfillment services. With years of experience in the logistics industry, WareIQ has gained a reputation for its reliable and efficient services. Their cutting-edge technology and advanced supply chain management systems allow them to provide end-to-end logistics solutions to businesses of all sizes. The company's commitment to customer satisfaction is evident in their fast delivery times, real-time tracking, and 24/7 customer support. Their state-of-the-art warehouses are equipped with the latest security measures and can handle a wide range of products, making them the go-to logistics partner for businesses in Ghaziabad. Key Features Comprehensive logistics solutions: WareIQ provides end-to-end logistics solutions, from warehousing to order fulfillment and delivery, making it easier for businesses to manage their logistics operations under one roof.Cutting-edge technology: WareIQ leverages advanced technology to optimize logistics processes, automate order processing, provide real-time tracking, and offer seamless communication between all stakeholders.Cost-effective: WareIQ's logistics solutions are designed to be cost-effective, providing businesses competitive pricing while maintaining high-quality services.Flexibility: WareIQ offers flexible storage options and logistics services that are tailored to meet the unique needs of each business, providing customized solutions that are adaptable to changing circumstances.Reliable and timely delivery: WareIQ's logistics services are designed to ensure timely delivery, reducing lead times and ensuring that businesses can meet their customers' expectations.  2. Blue Dart Express Limited Source Founding Year: 1983 Location: Raj Nagar, Ghaziabad Blue Dart Express Limited was founded in 1983 and is among the top logistics companies in Ghaziabad and the entire South Asian continent. It delivers consignments to over 55,400+ locations in India and is a strong logistics partner to thousands of stakeholders, commercial verticals, and businesses due to its customer-centric approach. Blue Dart has accessibility to one of the most intricate and comprehensive distribution networks globally, which covers 220 countries and regions since it is a part of the Deutsche Post DHL e-commerce solution division.  Blue Dart provides an extensive set of logistics services to its clients, namely air express, freight forwarding, supply chain solutions, custom clearance, etc. Apart from being awarded for its innovative techniques and groundbreaking technology, and work ethic, Blue Dart is a climate-protective organization that believes in reducing its carbon footprints through its vital CSR initiatives.  Key Features Strong operating systems and owns the largest network of computers in India.Location, transit time, and price finderIndigenous technology developed for track and trace, MIS, ERP, Customer service, Space Control, and Reservations.Intricate surface networkWarehouses in 85 located and bonded warehouses in 7 major citiesISO certified for quality assurance 3. FedEx Express India Pvt. Ltd Source Founding Year: 1997 Location: Patel Nagar, Ghaziabad FedEx Express was created in 1965 by CEO and Chairman Frederic W. Smit, who designed an innovative system back in his college days that would allow the safe delivery of shipments through time-sensitive deadlines. The logistics company is considered to be one of the biggest express transportation companies in the world, providing fast and reliable delivery to every US address and more. Its accessibility allows it to deliver to 220 countries and territories.  It guarantees delivery within one or two business days and uses an expansive international air and ground network for time-sensitive deliveries. FedEx provides corporate services like marketing, data analytics, finance IT, etc., to all its operating companies. To the customers, it provides delivery management, CRM, custom packaging, express freight services, ground packaging, and transportation, International freight services, web support, etc.  Key Features Customized packagingAccessibility to a personal account to manage and operate shippingEasy rescheduling and cancellation of pickup Easy tracking systems to keep an eye on shipmentsOnline billing mechanismShipping data in customized formats 4. Gati Limited Source Founding Year: 1989 Location: Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad If you are looking for the most reliable logistics companies in Ghaziabad, Gati Limited will perform beyond expectations. Founded in 1989, Gati is India’s premier express Distribution and Supply Chain Management company having renowned expertise in surface and air express deliveries. Gati Limited is strategically owned by two major corporate and logistics giants, Allcargo Group and Japan’s World Express. Gati provides custom-made solutions for all retail and MSME sectors.  If we have to talk about its widespread network, Gati has access to more than 19,800 PIN codes and 735 districts in India and operates globally in 180 countries. It provides end-to-end logistics services across multiple vertices, including International SupplyChain, CFS-ICD Contract logistics, Logistics park, crane rentals, etc. Key Features Multi-modal connectivity for logistics, 500 pickup points in India, and coverage of 200 countriesTechnology-enabled management systemRegular updates of consignments24X7X365 call centers and customer support 5. Safexpress Pvt. Ltd. Source Founding Year: 1997 Location: Sahibabad, Ghaziabad Making it to the top 10 logistics companies in Ghaziabad is Safepress Pvt Ltd, which began in 1997 with a mission to provide logistics excellence to its customers. Currently, the firm is one of the leading players in the supply chain and logistics industry in India, providing multiple and innovative solutions like Express Distribution, 3PL and Consulting, Inventory management, reverse logistics, etc. These services are provided to 9 different commercial verticals, namely Apparel & Lifestyle, E-commerce, Healthcare, Hi-tech, Publishing to Automotive, Engineering & Electrical Hardware, FMCG & Consumer Electronics, and Institutional.  Key Features 3PL warehousing services are supported by 18 million+ sqft of warehousing space9500+ GPS-enables vehicles and a network of 31188 pin codes in IndiaOperates on 2330 routes to over 5000 corporates across IndiaContainerized vehicles traversing 12,00,000 km every day73 state-of-the-art logistics parks across the country.  6. Agarwal Packers and Movers Ltd. Source Founding Year: 1987 Location: Vrindavan Garden, Ghaziabad Incepted by the hardcore effects of Shri Ramesh Agarwal and Shri Rajendra Agarwal in 1987, Agarwal packers and movers is one of the largest packing and moving companies in India and has continued to implement growth in the logistics sector of the country.  Starting from moving household goods, today it is not only one of the largest logistics companies in Ghaziabad and India, but it is also a Rs 650 crores business conglomerate offering a diversified set of services in Aviation logistics, packing and Moving (domestic and International), transportation, 3PL, Warehousing, Home Storage, Supply Chain, ODC Transportation, Cube-on-line Freight station, etc. Under their wing, they have 1200 vehicles, 3000 cubes, and 20 lac sqft of extremely secured warehouses. The firm serves not only in India but has a global presence in 182 countries. Key Features Customized trucking cubes with individual access - “ Apka taala, apki chabi.’Special LCD.LED screen cases to minimize the use of wooden cratesShock absorbent moving boxes for fragile goodsState-pf-the-art packaging materials and system that saves cost by 26% and raise quality by 260%Ventilates spaces for pets and plant carriersOnline vehicle tracking system round clock monitoring and centralized control room 7. Om Logistics Ltd Source Founding Year: 1999 Location: Meerut Road Industrial Area, Ghaziabad Om Logistics is the single largest multi-modal logistics company that offers integrated supply chain solutions to its customers, starting from transportation to warehousing. This is among the well-known logistics companies in Ghaziabad that believe in faster deliveries at the most efficient rates that reach the customers in perfect condition.  Having an established infrastructure and the support of several manufacturers in the country who tryst Om Logistics as a reliable partner, this firm has executed seamless, quick deliveries, organized the flow of goods, and combined advanced IT communication systems in logistics operations making shipments extremely convenient to handle. Services provided by Om logistics include warehousing, air cargo, speed trucking, import/export, 3PL logistics, railway cargo, sea cargo, FTL, PTL, Express cargo, etc.  Key Features 675+ branch offices connecting 2500+ destinations in IndiaThe fleet size of 4300 trucks, LCVs, Jumbo, and Containers20 million sqft of warehousing spaceFully equipped Office automation and advanced communication systems. 8. Trackon Couriers Pvt. Ltd. Source Founding Year: 2002 Location: Bhatiya Modh, Ghaziabad Trackon is one of the most experienced logistics companies in Ghaziabad, with another headquarters in Mumbai. It started its journey in 2002, and since then, the firm has been an unstoppable force in the logistics sector of the country. Trackon is responsible for over 2 lakh consignments and services to 5000 pin codes daily. In 2010, the firm launched its premium product Prime Track which offers express deliveries to its customers and is used for valuable and urgent cargo by manufacturers.  Trackon provides express delivery through air, rail, and road across India, along with express surface cargo, risk management services, international deliveries, mailroom management, reverse pickup solutions, etc.  Key Features Express delivery services across India and abroadCOD availableReverse pickup solutionsRisk cover on consignments Economical delivery solution 9. Spoton Logistics Pvt. Ltd. Source Founding Year: 2011 Location: Rishal Nagar, Ghaziabad Spoton Logistics Pvt ltd, which was formerly known as Startrek logistics, is an Indian courier company that was established in 2014. It is one of the logistics companies in Ghaziabad to be funded by a private equity firm and employs more than 900 people across India. Spoton Logistics serves 22,000+ pin codes and has 252 located offices, 16 major hubs, 8 depots, and 447 operating fleets. The main headquarters for Spoton is in Bangalore, and it serves logistics solutions to a wide variety of industry verticals, namely Automotive, Engineering, Pharma, Electronics and amp, Lifestyle, Retail, etc. To expand its spectrum, Spoton combined itself with the 3PL company Raag technologies and Services by buying its majority stake. Key Features Day-definite domestic servicesExpress logisticsReverse logistics servicesPan India NetworkIndustrial experience and a strong management team 10. Xpressbees Logistics Pvt. Ltd Source Founding Year: 2015 Location: Sahibabad, Ghaziabad With a 100% growth in annual revenue, Xpressbess Logistics Pvt Ltd has been accounted as the fastest-growing logistics company in Ghaziabad and across the country that provides end-to-end logistics services. The firm has a steep presence with over 3000+ offices and service centers in India, operates at 52+ cargo airports, hires 500+ customer care executives, and has 100+ significant hubs in the country.  By 2021, the firm was delivering more than 50,000 shipments per day. It started as a passionate fleet set sail by a bunch of entrepreneurs. Today, the company is a trusted partner of several major manufacturers and commercial organizations in e-commerce, healthcare, grocery, heavy machinery, finance, and automotive verticals.  Key Features Capacity to handle 3 million+ shipments per day35,000+ fleets on street2500+ cities under its network [contactus_lilgoodness] Suggested Read: Looking for Top logistics companies in Faridabad? Services Offered by Logistics Companies   Logistics plays an important role in every business sector. Before you plan on hiring the right partner. Check out some of the services offered by logistics companies in Ghaziabad.  Warehousing Services Cargo is usually stored at warehouses before being shipped for transit. It could either take one large warehouse or multiple warehouses, sometimes in several locations based on the shipping requirements. Businesses that have a larger infrastructure choose their in-house warehousing system; however, the most popular and cost-effective way of storing cargo is availing of warehousing services owned by third-party logistics providers. These companies are responsible for the entire handling, storage, and transportation of cargo, which makes it easier for businesses and saves time as well as money.  3PL Services Third-party logistics services, or 3PL services, are the bridge between manufacturers and consumers. They are the reason why manufacturers can take a breath of fresh air after their cargo has been picked up by a logistics partner. 3PL services do not mean the manufacturing of goods. It means a quality assurance of the product until it reaches the consumers. Other areas of expertise are customs relations, storage, terminal operation, etc. Logistics companies in Ghaziabad offer cutting-edge 3PL services, and every shipping and transportation process comes under their radar.  Cargo Shipping Services This includes the transportation or movement of cargo through trains, ships, and trucks. These shipments are usually large in volume and use full truck loads or FTLs for large or oversized loads. Sometimes if your shipment is in small volumes, you can also consider sharing transportation costs with other companies using LTLs. Shipping can be very painstaking if you don't have an experienced player in the process. Hence, leave it to your logistics partner. Transportation Management Systems Logistics companies in Ghaziabad offer TMS systems to plan, optimize and execute activities involved in cargo transportation. All the data from the transportation network, route details, etc., are gathered in system software and presented in understandable formats. This ensures that the entire operation is streamlined and transparent. How to Choose the Best Logistics Company for Your Business in Ghaziabad? At the end of the day, the right delivery partner will ensure a steady growth graph for our sales. Timely and cost-efficient logistics are the only way to address your client’s requirements. But what are the key factors you must consider before choosing the right logistics partner? Read below - Analyze Your Requirements  The very first thing any business should do is to figure out what type of product they will be delivering and what are their logistics requirement. For example, some products may require special handling, such as fragile cargo. Others may require special attention in storage and transportation, like refrigerated or temperature-controlled containers and warehouses for perishable goods. Further, they need to analyze their order volumes and customer demands to approximate how often they need shipment services.  Reliable Partner There are several logistics companies in Ghaziabad, but you have to pick the most suitable and reliable partner for your logistics requirements. Before putting your trust in any company, make sure you shortlist your top favorites based on research and check online reviews, references, and client testimonials.  Software And Management Systems The right logistics partner will ensure that they have the most advanced and latest operating systems in place. By this, we mean the inventory management and scheduling systems that are owned by the logistics companies in Ghaziabad. Some prior research is required by businesses to find out which type of systems would suit their requirements. Many organizations look for real-time tracking, delivery monitoring systems, loss or damage insurance, etc., from their logistics partners before making a deal. Flexible Services It is essential to have on-demand transport services readily available for your business. Make sure you understand if your logistics partner is willing to go that extra mile and execute urgent or immediate deliveries outside business hours or not.  Figure Out Estimates  While making a deal with your logistics partner, request economic transparency so that you can make the most use of what you are paying for. Do a background search on the effectiveness of the logistics companies and ensure that they are well-equipped to fulfill your customer requirements before signing any contract.  Choosing WareIQ As Your Trusted Logistics Partner Narrow down the top logistics companies in Ghaziabad before making any decision. The above list will give you a headstart in your search. Further comes the crucial part of deciding which logistics company will give you the widest pin code reach and the most advanced tracking services. Balance your cost to the services they are offering, analyze the solutions the company provides, and how they can benefit you and your customers. Logistics is the most important part of any business operation. Hence, make an informed decision.  Logistics Companies in Ghaziabad: FAQ How Do Logistics Companies Ensure Timely Delivery Of Goods?Logistics companies use advanced technology and supply chain management systems to optimize their operations and ensure the timely delivery of goods. They also have a network of transport carriers and warehouses strategically located to minimize lead times. Can Logistics Companies Handle Large Volumes Of Goods?Yes, logistics companies have the expertise and resources to handle large volumes of goods. They have various storage and transportation options to accommodate different volumes and types of goods. How Do Logistics Companies Cater To Specific Business Needs?Logistics companies offer customized solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of each business. They work closely with their clients to understand their requirements and design logistics solutions that are cost-effective and efficient. How Can I Track My Shipments And Monitor The Status Of My Orders?Most logistics companies provide real-time tracking and monitoring services that allow businesses to track their shipments, monitor the status of their orders, and receive updates on any issues that may arise. These services are often accessible through an online portal or mobile application. How Can Logistics Companies Help Businesses Expand Their Reach?Logistics companies can help businesses expand their reach by providing transportation and distribution services to new markets. They can also help businesses streamline their operations, reduce costs, and improve customer satisfaction, allowing them to focus on their core competencies and grow their business.

April 01, 2023

Top 10 Warehousing Companies in Chennai for eCommerce, B2B and D2C Sellers in 2024

Top 10 Warehousing Companies in Chennai for eCommerce, B2B and D2C Sellers in 2024

When it comes to rich culture, heritage, political and socio-economic background, Chennai predominantly makes it to the top of the list of the most influential metropolitan cities in India, especially the south. More importantly, its location and connectivity allow it to be one of the major industrial hubs of the country.  Recently, when we analyze the last few decades, there have been increases in the city's international and domestic auto industry, OEM, and BPO firms. Multinational companies like Ford, Mitsubishi, Microsoft, Dell, Cisco, Deloitte, and much more have planted or planned to build their base in Chennai. One of the largest benefits that the city poses are its ports. The Chennai and Encore port are backed up by industrial hubs in Sriperumbududr, Mahabalipuram, and Siruseri. These industrial hubs demand proper warehousing facilities, which have grown immensely in Chennai. For those businesses who want to expand in Chennai or are looking for new business opportunities, we have filtered out a list of the best warehousing companies in Chennai. Taking into consideration the futuristic trends of e-commerce, these warehousing companies can help you set up shop and grow exponentially in the country.  Best Warehousing Companies in Chennai A lot of warehousing companies in Chennai claim to offer the best warehousing services to companies. Since Chennai is saturated with several warehouse providers, it becomes difficult for businesses to pick the right one. Despite popular belief, not every company offers the same set of solutions hence the fundamental way of picking the right partner is by exploring some of the top warehousing and logistics companies in the city. Let’s find out. 1. WareIQ Source Founded: 2019Location: Sothupakkam Road, Redhills in Chennai WareIQ is an industry-leading warehousing company that provides businesses with top-of-the-line storage and distribution solutions. With a focus on operational excellence and customer satisfaction, WareIQ is widely regarded as one of the best warehousing companies in the market. Here are some of its key features: Advanced Warehouse Management System (WMS): WareIQ's WMS is a cutting-edge technology platform that offers businesses real-time visibility and control over their inventory, allowing them to make informed decisions about their supply chain operations.Multi-Channel Fulfillment: WareIQ allows businesses to fulfill orders across multiple channels, including eCommerce platforms, retail stores, and marketplaces, enabling businesses to maximize their reach and profitability. Fast and Reliable Order Fulfillment: WareIQ's expert team of warehouse professionals ensures that orders are processed and fulfilled quickly and accurately, with a high level of attention to detail and quality assurance. Flexible and Scalable Storage Solutions: WareIQ's state-of-the-art warehousing facilities offer businesses flexible and scalable storage solutions that can be customized to meet their needs, from short-term storage to long-term warehousing. Real-Time Inventory Tracking: With WareIQ's advanced technology platform, businesses have real-time visibility into their inventory levels and can track their products from when they arrive at the warehouse to when they are shipped out to customers. Dedicated Customer Support: WareIQ's team of dedicated customer support professionals is available around the clock to provide businesses with the support they need to optimize their supply chain operations and achieve their business goals. Overall, WareIQ is an exceptional warehousing company that offers businesses advanced technology solutions and expert support services to streamline their supply chain operations and improve their bottom line. 2. ProConnect Supply Chain Solutions Source Founded: 2012Location: Guindy, Chennai Started in 1999 and now one of the leading warehousing companies in Chennai, ProConnect is a part of the Redington group, a $ 6.5 Billion empire. The company specializes in warehousing and end-to-end supply chain solutions across the major industrial sector. They have a combined space of over 172 warehouses and 6 million sqft of space. ProConnect has acquired the delivery capacity to more than 36,000 customer locations. Further, the company has a wider reach to the Northeastern part of the country through its subsidiary, Rajprotim Supply Chain Solutions limited, therefore enabling them to fulfill supply chain requirements across the country. Major services provided by the firm include - warehousing, reverse logistics, In-plant logistics management, project management, supply chain consulting, transportation, etc.  Key Features Modern, advanced, ready-to-use, and state-of-the-art infrastructureEnd-to-end supply chain services3PL servicesMore than Rs 100 Crore turnoverOnline tracking and visibility 3. NDR Warehousing Pvt. Ltd. Source Founded: 1986Location: Maduravoyal, Chennai NDR currently tops the list of the pioneer warehousing companies in Chennai to provide cost-effective and efficient storage solutions to many businesses that deal in the industrial, commercial, and consumer sectors. NDR was founded by the Late Naidu Dasaradharami Reddy in 1986 with a modest warehousing space of 400 sqft; it has now expanded its horizons to the North, South, East, and West of the country with a combined space of 18 million sqft. Today it is headed by the visionary and top warehouse operator in India, N Amruthesh Reddy, who has given NDR the position of the first-choice provider of Warehousing Space and industrial Parks for many Fortune 100 companies. NDR is also amongst the top and most reliable providers of Domestic Conglomerates and 3PL services. Key Features The first company to initiate private freight terminals in South, North, and West IndiaThe first private bonded warehouseOwns new and advanced Warehousing solutions and techniques to reduce margins and enhance operational efficiencyFirst domestic GSA for air cargo catering to the pan India domestic network 4. Indospace Source Founded: 2007Location: Puduvoyal, Chennai Indospace was founded in 2007 and led India's largest industrial and logistics real estate. Ever since its inception, Indospace has proved to provide Grade A services that have contributed tremendously towards the growth of industrialization and balanced the supply chain ecosystem. This warehousing company in Chennai stands at an investment of $ 3.2 billion and is deemed as the only pan India logistics and industrial park developer with 46 operations parks and under-development projects across 51 million square feet. Indospace is a trusted partner of GLP, which is the world’s largest investment manager in logistics real estate; this enables them to garner international expertise and build global networks. The logistics park developed by the company not only provides world-class opportunities for expansion to its clients but also believes in environmentally friendly solutions, having been certified with the prestigious Indian Green Building Council.  Key Features Ready to use industrial and warehousing space.Built-in strategic locations to aid the distribution networksBuilt-to-suit service.Plug and plat infrastructure.Environmental friendly properties and amenitiesCost-effective business expansion 5. ACME Warehousing Pvt. Ltd Source Founded: 2010Location: Madhavaram, Chennai ACME Warehousing Pct Ltd was founded in 2012 with an exclusively dedicated warehousing space of 2 Acres and 55000 sq ft. The company aims to provide exclusive solutions for companies looking for exceptional warehousing spaces. The firm holds a spectacular client portfolio and uses it as leverage to build trust and networks in the supply chain ecosystem. ACME believes that customer satisfaction is the only formula to its success, and with the same vision, it provides a wide variety of services to its clients, starting from bonded and non-bonded warehousing, order fulfillment, pickup, and packing, special handling of luxury goods, inventory management, reverse logistics, distribution, quarantine, and disposal management, co/re-packing, etc.  Key Features High-level security for goodsYears of warehousing experienceA computerized tracking system is availableA shelf system is available in warehouses 6. Varuna Group (Varuna logistics and Varuna Warehousing) Source Founded: 1996Location: Neelankarai, Chennai Built at the dawn of a new era when Indian logistics just came to the surface, the Varun Group saw its inception in 1996. Since then, it has upheld its principles of customer-centricity, operational excellence, and transparency. Today the group partners with some of the pioneers in the supply chain industry and provides them with end-to-end solutions for all their logistics and operational requirements to reduce the effective landed cost of products. With 1500+ trained professionals and 60+ branches all across the country, Varuna Group strives to accelerate the growth of its clients by providing incredible service. Their logistics management services include transportation, warehousing, inventory, and supply chain management, laced with advanced algorithms and real-time tracking technology. They measure their performance with industry-recognized KPIs and have a track record of 95% on-time placement, saving transit time by 50%, and 99.8% order fulfillment accuracy. Key Features Primary and secondary transportation servicesProject cargo servicesAdvanced preventive fleet diagnostics and vehicle maintenance system Real-time vehicle tracking and monitoringSafe lock mechanism and other security measuresDistribution, consolidation, and in-plant warehousingDedicated Warehousing Management SystemPrompt on-road accident and maintenance team in place 7. Warehousing Express Logistics Pvt Ltd Source Founded: 2015Location: Chennai Armed with 25+ years of experience and built by veteran logistics leaders, it is one of those warehousing companies in Chennai that promises to give you a ‘ competitive edge.’ Warehousing Express Logistics Pvt Ltd works with major multinational companies in India and produces excellent, cost-effective, and tech-enabled logistics, warehousing management, and distribution service network services. The company regards itself as the finest warehousing facility that is strategically located near ports and the city. They provide domestic transportation services via road, railway, and air across the country, along with other services like inventory management, contract logistics, etc.  Key Features Supply chain and logistics trade consultancyLogistics automation and technology servicesIn-plant/onsite warehouse operations3PL logistics servicesLate-hour customer care and urgent shipping services 8. TVS Industrial & Logistics Parks Pvt. Ltd Source Founded: 2005Location: Mogappair, Chennai Home to a total workforce of 50,000 employees, TVS SCS is India’s largest supply chain solution provider spread over 19 countries and has an $8.5 billion turnover. TVS ILP is a joint venture of TVS SCS, again a part of the T.S Rajam Family and Ravi Swaminathan Family. TVS ILP is considered to be one of the most influential players in the organized logistics and warehousing markets in the country, providing high-end and technology-enabled solutions to its clients. It offers an integrated infrastructural solution, EPC solutions, and warehousing as well as logistical facilities of global standards. TVS ILP has worked with several manufacturing and commercial giants, namely Amazon, Bridgestone, Flipkart, Cars 24, ISUZU, Godrej, etc.  Key Features Pan-tier and pan-India presenceSuperior quality PEB, MEP, flooring, and other ancillary works in manufacturing facilitiesGrade A warehouses that are customized, palleted, and racketed with ideal PEB spanning to optimize space.Strategically located parks at major industrial nodes.  9. Ascendas Firstspace Development Management Private Limited Source Founded: 2016Location: Csir Road, Chennai Created as a joint venture between Acendas and Firstspace Realty, this logistics real estate giant is a perfect blend between local and global. This platform was created to address the logistics and industrial infrastructural challenges in India. The ideal combination of CapitalLands global expertise with the rich local and real estate experience of Firstspace, Ascendas-Firstspace offers dedicated logical solutions and growth opportunities to various industry verticals, namely 3PLs, e-commerce, automobiles, FMCG, modern retail, manufacturing, etc. This is one of the leading Warehousing companies in Chennai. Key Features Strong transparency and corporate governance standardsSustainable logistics propertiesBuilt-to-suit warehouses, buildings, and factoriesInventory of buildings for warehouse and ready-built factory30 million sq ft of industrial and logistics space 10. All Warehouses and Industrial Parks Pvt. Ltd Source Founded: 2020Location: Alwarpet, Chennai With 90% of the entire market inventory under their list, All Warehouses is one of the leading warehousing companies in Chennai and the single largest aggregator of Industrial Real Estate in the south. They believe in customized solutions for all their customers and ensure proper coordination and client satisfaction. The Industrial real estate solution includes warehouses, godowns, sheds, cold storage facilities, and manufacturing facilities across India.  Key Features 45,00+ acquired land21+ million sqft of commercial leased space5-minute lead response time [contactus_uth] Services Offered By Warehousing Companies in Chennai Inventory Management The entire supply chain process, from ordering to the delivery of the product, comes under inventory management. These include tasks like distribution, product counts, lead times, etc, and are done for every type of business and commercial operations. One of the most crucial aspects of Inventory management is utilizing the warehouses to cycle count and analyze the delivery of goods. This allows you to reduce the receiving errors which may happen as a result of internal mishaps. Order Fulfillment For complete order fulfillment, the integration of internal and external operations. Companies that provide warehousing services also offer fulfillment services to their clients that include everything that comes after an order is placed namely - picking, packing, shipping, labeling, customizations, and taking care of returns.  Contract Warehousing Building a warehouse from scratch, especially at multiple distribution centers takes a lot of time and resources. Hence, one of the most popular services that startups have adopted these days is outsourcing warehouse facilities to third-party providers. This enables them to set up newer distribution channels overnight and start delivering consumers which would otherwise have taken years to establish. To overcome the competitive marketplace, contract warehousing is one of the most effective services provided by Warehousing companies in Chennai.  Transportation Warehousing companies in Chennai sometimes also provide transportation services to businesses through multiple channels such as air, dock, railway, and road. This can include delivery as well as pick up of cargo. Having a warehousing firm that can take care of the movement of goods might just be what your business needs to experience exponential growth.  Cross Docking After the goods are transported from their manufacturing units, they require to be sorted into multiple shipments before being delivered to the consumers. Cross docking, therefore, allows goods to be routed to several distribution networks from single or multiple manufacturing units. Those manufacturers who do not have the financial strength to handle order shipments to special locations or to fulfill special deliveries require cross-docking services provided by warehouses.  Transloading The operation in which the goods are moved from one mode of transport to the other is called transloading. For example, some warehouses provide pickup services from the port where the goods are being off or unloaded from the ships and then transferred to the trucks to be sent to the warehouses.  How To Choose the Best Warehousing Companies in Chennai for Your Business?  Warehouse Mapping Before you decide on the right Warehousing companies in Chennai, you must ask yourself a question, is this warehouse enough to accommodate my current as well as future storage requirements? Evaluation and mapping the size and dimension of the warehouse is of utmost essential because the services you opt for must have flexible solutions for current and future possibilities. The warehouse provider must be able to manage the volatility of your business, be it scaling up or scaling down. Hence, the provider must understand your business well; they must know when you may require more spacing due to order volume fluctuations, must help you cut down on costs when you require less spacing, and so on.  Warehouse Location A strategic location allows you to save time on lead delivery as well as money on transportation costs. It is important to first analyze your business and your supply chain to identify the most suitable location for your warehouse needs. For example, if your business involves the export and import of goods, your warehouse must be located near ports or other transportation hubs. If your business requires you to restock frequently, you should be close to the city and connected to highways.  Safety Management Warehousing companies in Chennai will ensure that their safety management systems align with your requirements. Pick a provider whose storage facilities have alarms, cameras, fencing, and other security measures to prevent theft. Make sure they have backup management and quick reaction systems in place to avoid damage to products and that they provide insurance to you for the same.  Tech-Enabled and Integrated Management and Logistics Solutions Warehousing companies in Chennai and distribution centers can improve their efficiencies with a proper WMS or warehouse management system. WMS can help you improve your inventory visibility, balance demand fluctuations, integrate the execution systems and workflow, enhance your storage and distribution performance, and much more. A good warehousing provider will include a WMS system with cloud-based integration. There are SaaS options also available with this technology. Customer Reputation Customer reputation builds your brand. Warehousing companies in Chennai will have worked with multiple businesses and organizations across multiple sectors, so picking the top players in your vertical is important. Genuine service providers will have multiple client surveys, feedback portals, and a proper client portfolio at your disposal so that you can remain assured of the services you plan to opt for.  Wrapping Up: Choosing WareIQ For All Warehousing Needs A right and dependable warehousing partner is crucial for the success and growth of any business. Apart from exploring the services of the best warehousing companies in Chennai, you must also analyze the key requirements for your business so that your interests align with the services you require. Rest assured, some research and reading will help you get there.  Suggested Read: Top 10 Logistics Companies in Madurai for eCommerce, D2C, and B2B Retailers in 2023 Warehousing Companies in Chennai: FAQs What are the Benefits of Using a Warehouse?Using a warehouse provides numerous benefits to businesses, including:1. Increased storage space: Warehouses provide businesses with extra space to store their goods and materials, which can be particularly helpful for companies with limited space at their facilities.2. Improved inventory management: Warehouses allow businesses to store and organize their inventory more efficiently, making tracking and managing it easier.3. Better protection for goods: Warehouses often have security measures in place to protect goods from theft, damage, and other risks, such as fire or flooding.4. Cost savings: Using a warehouse can be more cost-effective than renting additional office or retail space to store inventory and can also help reduce transportation costs by providing a central location for goods. What Types of Products Can be Stored in a Warehouse?Almost any type of product can be stored in a warehouse if it is not hazardous or illegal. Some common examples of products stored in warehouses include:1. Consumer goods: such as electronics, clothing, and household items.2. Food and beverage products: including perishable and non-perishable items.3. Construction materials: such as lumber, steel, and cement.4. Automotive parts and supplies: including tires, batteries, and engines.5. Medical and pharmaceutical products: such as vaccines and prescription drugs. How Do I Choose the Right Warehouse for my Business?Choosing the right warehouse for your business depends on several factors, including:1. Location2. Size and capacity3. Amenities4. Cost5. Reputation What is the Difference Between a Warehouse and a Distribution Center?The main difference between a warehouse and a distribution center is their purpose and function. A warehouse is used primarily for storing goods and products until they are needed, while a distribution center is a facility that receives, stores, and then distributes goods to customers or other facilities. Distribution centers are typically designed to handle a high volume of goods and operate with a focus on speed and efficiency, while warehouses may have a wider range of functions, including storage, inventory management, and order fulfillment. How Can I Improve the Efficiency of My Warehouse Operations?There are several ways to improve the efficiency of warehouse operations, including:1. Analyzing and optimizing your layout and workflow to reduce travel time and increase productivity.2. Investing in technology such as warehouse management systems, automated material handling equipment, and barcode scanners to streamline operations and reduce errors.3. Implementing lean principles such as 5S, visual management, and continuous improvement to eliminate waste and improve efficiency.4. Provide training and support for your employees to ensure they have the skills and knowledge needed to perform their jobs effectively.5. Monitoring and measuring key performance indicators (KPIs) such as order accuracy, order cycle time, and inventory turnover to track progress and identify areas for improvement.

March 29, 2023

2-Day Shipping: The Perfect Strategy To Expand Your eCommerce Business in 2024

2-Day Shipping: The Perfect Strategy To Expand Your eCommerce Business in 2024

Online shopping has found its place in the fundamentals of the common man ever since the pandemic unraveled minute obstructions in their daily lives. But with a little convenience comes the expectation of a bit more, so much so that the free 2 day shipping introduced by Amazon prime in 2004 is the new competitive benchmark for all e-commerce businesses.  Studies backed up by data give us a rather clever view of trendy consumer behavior. About 26% of shoppers online tend to give up at the last stage of the buying process because of slow shipping, and almost 53% of shoppers consider the delivery time an important deciding factor. The interesting part is; shoppers not only expect a faster delivery system, but 75% of shoppers in the US also want free deliveries on their orders.  The bigger question arises when we think about small to medium-sized businesses that struggle with their order volumes and the ever-rising shipping costs. How are these businesses ever going to compete with giants like Amazon or Walmart in upping their delivery game? The 2 day shipping facility has created big pressure points for businesses who cannot afford to have large infrastructural and shipping strategies every now and then, but they can get back in the game and offer expedited free delivery to retain their customers and grow their brand perception. Let us find out more.  What is 2 Day Delivery? The 2 day shipping in eCommerce and delivery refers to the TAT or Turn Around Time of 2 days for an online order to be sent from the fulfillment center to the customer's doorstep. Based on the seller’s internal operation, this TAT can also mean 2 whole days or 2 business days, which is counted from the time of checkout.  The 2 day shipping time required by e-commerce brands to complete an order was first introduced by Amazon Prime in 2004 and has now become the standard norm for any fulfillment center to be considered as efficient.  [contactus_uth] Why Do You Need 2 Day Delivery? eCommerce has been driving the largest part of the revenue for several countries since the pandemic hit the world. In the US alone, about $4.2 trillion in 2020 was driven as more and more shoppers shop online. As the market grows, so does the competitiveness of the environment, and brands are battling head-to-head to provide the best customer experience.   Shoppers value faster deliveries and shipping times; around 84% of consumers do not return to a certain retailer after having a bad delivery experience, and 54% of these shoppers tend to switch retailers when they don't get a fast delivery option. 73% of consumers want to go for the ultimate delivery experience from giants like Amazon rather than trusting an independent retailer for the same.  Therefore, 2 day shipping is not an option anymore, it is a necessary tool for sellers to survive in a competitive market and enhance their overall customer experience.  How Does 2 Day Shipping Work? The countdown for shipping starts the moment an order is placed, and based on the company’s internal operation, it can either be counted as 2 whole days or 2 business days. To execute a 2-days sipping in e-commerce, the seller has to dispatch the package via air or ground. 1. Ground Shipping Source With this method, the package is sent to the customer via roads in cars, trucks, or vans. This method works, and 2 day delivery can only be availed by the customer if their address is in proximity to the warehouse. To perfectly execute a fast delivery system using ground shipping, the seller has to partner with a 3PL service provider which has fulfillment centers in several parts of the country.  2. Air Shipping Source Ai shipping occurs when the packages are sent to the customers via airplanes or cargo jets. This mode of transit is mostly used for international and express shipments. Sending packages by air usually is a much more expensive way of logistics. However, this is the only way to execute 2-day deliveries to customers whose addresses are very far away from the warehouses.  3. Combine Ground and Air for Cost-Effective Reliability Source A combination of both ground and air shipping methods can prove to be a cost-effective logistical solution. If you can partner with a reliable and large-scale 3PL service provider that has several warehouses distributed across the country and stores data based on past consumer transactions and purchase patterns, you can come up with the most effective shipping method to reach your buyers. Should You Offer 2 Day Shipping? Offering 2 day shipping to the customers is a reliable way to improve and enhance customer satisfaction and maintain retention. It reduces the chances of cart abandonment and order cancellations as well. But sometimes, offering free and expedited shipping to customers can prove to be detrimental to the budget of smaller enterprises, especially if they choose to offer such shipping plans at low cost.  To avoid such an instance, you can provide options to the customers along with 2 day delivery, add an expedited delivery charge, or only let this option be available to selected customers like Amazon Prime.  Free expedited deliveries, however, are not an appropriate option for all brands and product types. It must be adopted by those products that are considered among the most competitive categories, such as cosmetics, apparel, tech, home decor, etc. These categories are defined by the impulsive buying behavior of consumers and how easily replaceable they are by some other brand that would offer a slightly better deal.  Benefits of Offering 2 Day Shipping A seller that decides to opt for 2 day shipping in e-commerce enjoys a lot of benefits. Let’s find out how. Low Purchase Blockers  Most customers refrain from buying the product at final checkout because they see a longer delivery option on their order. Per Deliverr’s data, a merchant saw a 300% increase in their regular conversions soon after they opted for 2 day shipping and delivery. Enhance Customer Experience  Shopping online is all about the experience, which starts from the moment you order till the time you unbox. A fast delivery mechanism enhances this experience for the customer and boosts their satisfaction with a brand which ultimately enables them to return and shop from your site.  Smooth Marketing Tool More than an expected norm, a 2-day shopping option is a smart marketing tool for brands to stand out from the crowd. This can be added as offers on all your marketing materials, such as ads, banners, posts, tags, stores, emails, websites, etc. 69% of customers are more likely to click on a display ad if it has fast and free shipping as a hook.  How Does 2-Day Shipping Grow eCommerce Businesses? To stay on top of your game, you must strive to achieve the expectations of your customers and the market. Here is how 2 day shipping in eCommerce can help you expand your business.  Resonate with Customer Expectations On average, customers look at three days of shipping as the most acceptable waiting time. Beyond three days, especially after a seller promises a timeline and fails to deliver, the customers are most likely not to come and shop from the site in the future. Hence, committing and providing 2 day shipping and delivery can help you exceed customers' expectations.  More and More Sales Having an expedited delivery option can be a great addition to your marketing strategy. These can be used as offers and mentioned in all your display and banner ads, product tags, etc, which will ultimately grand customers’ attention and help you increase your sales revenue. Remarkable Retention Rates The first impression is always and most certainly the last impression. Once the customer is ensured that your brand provides fast and timely deliveries, no one can stop you from excelling in the retention game.  Defeat The Giants It is much easier to turn to trusted and popular sellers like Amazon in case small businesses fail to deliver the packages within 2 days or don’t have the vast number of options a large seller like Amazon would have. Therefore, if you have to defeat the giants, you must adopt certain techniques that allow you to execute faster deliveries without pinching your budget. You can also learn about Amazon's pricing strategy here. How Much is the Cost of 2-Day Shipping? How much will a 2 day shipping cost will depend on certain factors like -  The mailability of the items that are up for shippingPopular and peak dates on the calendarThe time, day, and date of the shipping scheduleShipping method and the delivery carrier facilityZip code of the origin and destinationDIM weightThe characteristics of the cargo, such as fragility, hazardousness, etc.  It is to be noted that the cost that a seller may incur upon the customers for a particular order may also depend on the fulfillment fees and channel costs. The packaging, processing, stocking, and shipping charges all come under fulfillment fees. This fee is also affected based on the pricing models and other services that are opted for by the customers. How to Keep 2-Day Shipping Costs Low? 2-Day Delivery With a Minimum Order Value A minimum order value imposed b the seller ensures that there is no loss on orders that are lower in value. A minimum order threshold to activate 2-day free shipping is one of the most popular incentives provided to customers because of which nearly two-thirds of them actually add extra items to the cart to meet the purchase value.  2 Day Delivery on Specific Zip Codes Transporting packages in a 2 day delivery system can be extremely expensive, especially if you are choosing an air freight carrier. Because of this, certain brands offer free expedited deliveries only to customers who live in the destination zip closer to the seller's warehouse. When the customers place their orders, they will be informed whether or not they qualify for 2 day delivery based on their location.  Outsource Your Fulfillment Partner 3PL service providers often have access to discounted and negotiated shipping rates that can help you keep your logistics costs low while enabling fast deliveries to your customers. However, you must choose the right provider for the operation, especially the one whose e-commerce fulfillment services aligns with your sales channels.  Customer Membership Plans Instead of providing free and fast deliveries to all the customers, you can play your cards strategically and allow only premium members of your platform to get the benefits. This helps you cover all the extra transit costs, makes your valuable customers feel special, and enables them to only shop from you.  The loyalty paid memberships to charge a small and recurring subscription fee from the customers in exchange for certain exclusive benefits such as 2 day shipping, same-day shipping, discounts, etc. By doing so, the customer is also ready to make up for shipping costs way ahead of time and, at the same time, make frequent purchases from your site.  Ground Shipping  One of the cheapest ways to execute 2-day deliveries is through ground shipping. All you need to do is distribute your network of fulfillment centers across areas of a major purchase or throughout the city. This will ensure that the distance between the items and the destination, along with the travel time, is reduced, therefore allowing you to ship customer orders within 2 days or less.  Examples of 2 Day Shipping!  If you are handling fulfillment in-house, you can subscribe to shipping plans offered by certain carriers and negotiate with them for discounts. Sometimes these carriers also pick up your packages from your warehouse or offices.  If you are an online seller who requires a third-party inventory, partnering with a 3PL can help you easily execute 2 day shipping and deliveries to your customers. Let us look at a few carrier services that provide affordable and fast shipping to small businesses.  Suggested Read: How to choose Best 3PL for Small Business? USPS Source If you are a small business with small and irregular order volumes that does in-house fulfillment, USPS is the best option for your business. It provides pre-made boxes for parcels, and the flat-rate shipping option will help you estimate your shipping costs beforehand. USPS picks up your orders for free, either from home or the office, tracks shipment, and provides insurance up to $50 for most parcels.  DHL Source Suitable for international deliveries and serving in 220 countries and territories, DHL can help you estimate the best shipping rate and time based on the service that you choose. They estimate these costs based on the destination country and the DIM weight of the cargo. They provide insurance on certain items and also help you with customs clearance.  Suggested Read: Top 10 Fastest and Cheapest International Courier Services in India UPS Source With no size limit and suitable for small businesses that want to send large packages, UPS is the most cost-effective option. UPS can pick up your shipment from the warehouse or office at an additional cost, provide 2 day delivery shipments, and guarantee one-day deliveries and international shipping in 220 countries.  Why you Should Partner With a 3PL For An Affordable 2 Day Shipping Strategy? Partnering with an experienced 3PL can pose to be extremely beneficial for businesses. Know how.  Optimize Shipping Rates 3PL assists businesses when it comes to comparing speed versus cost. It is very important to constantly compare the rates across air and ground shipping to ensure that you are not paying above the line. Low Shipping Rates Due to the high shipping volumes and network distributions, 3PLs can ensure businesses from option for a smooth 2 day delivery system without fear of losing profits on expensive shipping rates. Fulfillment Capacity Increases Most businesses cannot afford to have multiple fulfillment centers across the target country. This creates what is known as the last mile problem that hampers the customers' expectations and creates hindrances in the company’s commitment to providing 2-day deliveries. However, 3Pls has a superior infrastructure and multiple fulfillment centers that can increase the shipping radius by decreasing the distance between the warehouse and the destination.  2 Day Shipping: Wrapping Up Speed has become the mantra for shipping and commercial transportation. To consistently have a competitive edge, businesses need to expand their infrastructure and become more efficient. They can also partner with third-party providers like 3PLs or goods carriers. Outsourcing can help you tremendously cut down costs on shipping and enhance customer experience by fulfilling all your commitments to free 2-day deliveries. WareIQ is one such eCommerce fulfillment company that enables same day and next day delivery to its clients with its 2 day shipping or same-day shipping offerings. 2 Day Shipping: FAQs What is 2 Day Shipping?2 day shipping is a service offered by companies that allow customers to receive their purchased products within two business days from the date of order placement. How Does 2 Day Shipping Work?When a customer places an order, the company processes the order and ships it out within 24-48 hours. The shipping carrier then delivers the package to the customer within two business days, depending on the location. Is 2 Day Shipping Guaranteed?Most companies that offer 2-day shipping have a guaranteed delivery policy. If the package does not arrive within the promised timeframe, the company will often refund the cost of shipping or provide a discount on a future purchase. How Do I Qualify For 2 Day Shipping?To qualify for 2-day shipping, customers usually need to select this shipping option at checkout and pay an additional fee. Some companies offer free 2-day shipping for certain products or for customers who meet a minimum purchase requirement. Can I Track My 2 Day Shipping Order?Yes, most companies provide a tracking number for 2-day shipping orders that can be used to track the package during transit. This allows customers to monitor the progress of their package and estimate its arrival time.

March 27, 2023

Delivery Route Planning Guide + 10 Best Delivery Route Planner Apps of 2024

Delivery Route Planning Guide + 10 Best Delivery Route Planner Apps of 2024

Running a commercial business is no walk in the park, and one of the key features that give your business an edge and maintain customer loyalty is fast and smooth deliveries. Transportation companies hired by firms for logistics incorporate delivery route planning to simplify the process.  Several tools are available in the form of a delivery route planner app that provides cutting-edge solutions to make the entire delivery supply chain process seamless and cost-effective. This app helps you optimize your route, which means that it directs the transporter to opt for the most economical route for transit, considering every factor to make the journey more and more efficient.  However, the market is filled with several options for delivery route planner apps; each with its unique personality; hence in this article, we will resolve all your doubts about the functionality of these apps, why they are important, and the key features of the most trending and used apps for route planning so that you can make the right choice for your logistical requirements.  What is Delivery Route Planning? Delivery route planning is a very important part of any logistical operation to ensure that customer orders are fulfilled with the least possible time and money. It is the planning of economical delivery routes using smart planner tools such as a delivery route planner app which considers external factors and comes up with the most accurate and efficient route for every logistics operation.  Earlier businesses used traditional methods of route planning such as local guides and even considered Google maps as a planning tool; however, the increase in the demand for timely online deliveries, especially after the pandemic and the inaccuracies of the traditional methods of route planning, had increased inefficiencies in the delivery ecosystems. Although Google maps provide accurate navigation techniques for individual and small-scale transit, it does not function as a dedicated route planner app and hence cannot efficient deliveries in large volumes.  [contactus_gynoveda] Why is Delivery Route Planning Important? Businesses do not head out on the road to make bulk deliveries without proper planning and management. No prior planning of routes can put these businesses at a huge and expensive risk. On the contrary, a good and planned route can -  Reduce the transporters' time on the route.Ensure timely deliveries to the customers and enhance their experience, satisfaction, and loyalty.It can make sure that the delivery fleets are used to the maximum capacityIt can improve the financial performance of businessesThe overall efficiency of the drivers and other staff is increasesThe consumption of fuel is minimalNo unnecessary or extra delivery costs are imposed, allowing you to produce offers to customers.No unplanned hazards or delivery routes will have to be dealt with. What is Delivery Route Planning Software? A delivery route planning software uses data and analytics with the help of machine learning and codes to plan a sequence of stops that a delivery agent follows to improve their driver efficiency as well as overall customer service. This software is used to make optimal routes for the entire fleet based on the business’s limitations and goals.  The delivery route planner apps also automate the entire operation by scheduling capabilities and ensuring that the work is assigned strategically, it assists the dispatchers, doubles the daily delivery system by calculating travel time beaten locations, and at the same time, overcomes various challenges using data analytics that traditional routine planning would fail to impose.  Sometimes, a delivery route planner software can also enable a dynamic re-routing system that is based on the external crisis during transit.  Suggested Read: What is Last Mile Delivery Management Software? Key Features to Look for in Delivery Route Planner Apps Route Optimization After the destination is finalized, the app must be able to create efficient routes considering every factor, such as avoiding highways, traffic, congestion, toll roads, etc. This manner of route optimization will allow the driver to travel reduced distances and save maximum time on delivery transit. Reports from past delivery, capacity parameters, and other data are then utilized for future route planning, driver assignment, etc so that future shipments and deliveries can be made on time and save money. Route Monitoring Delivery route planner apps mine real-time data about the fleet, the driver as well as the assigned route to ensure optimal fleet efficiency. This data allows the software to monitor the assigned route and make changes in the operation whenever required. It allows certain variables, such as the fleet capacity, driver's performance, route restraints, loading and unloading time, etc, to be more defined and accurate for future deliveries. Driver Tracking Route planning software collects real-time data of the drivers so that they are provided with constant support during their transit. Features like the GPS are used to keep track of the driver’s activities, their performance stops taken, etc, in the form of tracking history. It also keeps the customers updated about the estimated Arrival time of their package to increase transparency and avoid delivery failures.  Delivery Status The customers are constantly updated about the delivery status during its transit through features such as automatic SMS and email notifications. It allows the customers to know exactly when to expect the delivery, whether it is on its way, and if it is completed or not. Such detailed status of deliveries reassures the customers and makes the entire operation transparent and easy to track.  Suggested Read: What is Fulfillment Status? Customer Communications Updates Delivery route planner apps must have 24*7 and strong customer support to acknowledge their queries about the delivery and have updated real-time communication with the customers. Having robust customer support can level up their delivery experience.  Proof of Delivery The best delivery route planner app will have a feature that provides proof of delivery with an interface that allows drivers to collect e-signatures from the consignee, which is then automatically included in the chain of custody, These multifunctional features in the applications enable the drivers to manage their deliveries and keep updated records of the shipment.  How To Plan Delivery Routes? Delivery route planning has been a part of business operations for a long time. Before the development of software that automated these processes, businesses preferred the manual way to plan routes. Some small businesses for fulfillment use this method to date, and it starts by receiving an order from a customer in the store or online. This is then left to be handled by an individual. The order is written down on a piece of paper in the form of delivery invoices that contains information such as the address, preferred date and time of delivery, cost of delivery, etc. Businesses maintain physical records of these invoices; some may use excel sheets for the same. The route planner will arrange these invoices based on the date, region, and specific delivery requirements. He/she will create several groups and then find the shortest routers from one delivery location to the other. This can be done by manually putting delivery locations on a map and getting ETA and drivers' directions. After planning, the routes are then assigned to the drivers who head out to execute the deliveries.  Manual route planning systems are not very accurate and do not provide you with the fastest route possible. As an alternative, and thanks to the digital transformation of businesses, 51% of companies are already investing in automating the route planning system through online software.  All you need to do is integrate a delivery route planning software that uses cloud technology to operate. This allows you to access the system from anywhere at any given time. It plans your routes with multiple stops, automates scheduling, adjusts and updates routes in real-time, dispatches the drives, tracks and monitors their progress, sends notifications about ETAs, incorporates proof of deliveries, and at the same time, has customer feedback and query feature. You can say goodbye to manual operations and plan better with a single click using this software.  Best Delivery Route Planner Apps in 2023  Onfleet Source Onfleet is one of the most trusted apps for delivery route solutions opted for by enterprises across varied industries. It is a last-mile delivery platform that plans and sets the most advanced routes allowing the drivers to make smart decisions, undertake a seamless operation, and provide a remarkable customer experience. One of the most unique features of the app is that it creates individual profiles of the drivers with their start-to-end location, schedule shifts as well as vehicle capacity. Once the routes are optimized by the app, the drivers can be dispatched. They have access to the app using their own devices, and you can constantly keep tracking their performance and order status.  RouteXL Source Route XL is a free delivery route planner app suitable for smaller enterprises and delivery services that allows 20 stops per route on its free version. It works by finding the best multi-stop route for the entire logistics eCommerce operation. The only thing you need to do is app both the departure and destination locations, and the algorithms calculate the best possible route with the least amount of time. However, changes in real-time and automatic updates are not available for both the drivers or the customers, there is no mobile app or proof of delivery available for this software. The paid version, which starts at $39 per month, only allows you to increase your stops per route.  Mappr Source Mappr is also a basic delivery route planner app that is very similar to RouteXL. The app is integrated with a delivery management solution software called Tookan with no additional monthly charge. It allows you to generate the shortest route possible for the addresses that have been fed and optimizes your fleet based on the type of vehicle, its volume, speed, fuel efficiency, etc.  Mapper allows you free 50,000 transactions and can be upgraded up upto 1 million for $ 209 per month.  Google Maps Route Planner Source Google maps can act as a route planner tool apart from individual navigation. However, it does not have inbuilt features to take into consideration all the factors like vehicle capacity, fuel efficiency, delivery time, and so on. Hence it is not reliable software for large delivery fleets. You can add 10 points, including start to end, on google maps, which makes it safe for use by smaller companies with much smaller delivery targets. Google maps are free to use; they can find locations based on business types, the maps can be shared, and location pins can be added to the map along with lines and shapes.  MapQuest Route Planner Source MapQuest Route Planner app is one of the best free delivery route planner apps for personal and professional use. It allows you to optimize routes for up to 26 addresses for free on a trip, and the feature can be used for a single driver only. Although the free version has a limited number of stops, you can add multiple destinations using the paid version. It offers optimal routes for both one-way and round trips. The app consists of advanced routing features such as U-turns, toll roads, etc. MapQuest allows users to choose between the shortest time and the shortest distance so that they can plan the best route for their delivery. The drivers can get the routes through text messages and view them on their mobile navigation apps.  Route4Me Source Route4Me is an excellent collaborative delivery route planning software that allows remarkable options for teams of up to 10 drivers using the basic plan. It offers route optimization and management in its free version, and if you require an upgrade, you can get a subscription of $249 per month to get access to its unique features. The app allows you to plan multiple routes, provides business insights as well as tracks the shipment in real-time.  Upper Route Planner Source Upper Route Planner is one of the most preferred apps for delivery route planning and optimization. They offer a 7-Day free trial to its users to ease their decision-making process. It is used by several small and medium-sized courier and retail services. Upper’s saves 10 hours per week and delivers 3 times more parcels with the help of their route optimization algorithm. Some of its key features include - single-click route dispatch, route scheduling, real-time tracking and proof of delivery, custom settings based on the vehicle type, etc.  Circuit Source The circuit route planner app was developed with salient optimization features for two user types Circuit for teams and circuit for individuals. This app is a go-to for most small and medium enterprises allowing them to manage their data to-day delivery routes with the help of key features such as a real-time tracker for drivers, automated notifications for customers, space to add delivery notes for the users, and so on. It also consists of a package finder to facilitate the delivery process at each stop. Further, the app lets the users accurately track the ETA’s of the parcels, and it can be used through both Google and iPhone navigation apps. Some Apple users did find certain issues with the app and had to reinstall it.  OptimoRoute Source OptimoRoute includes automated planning, live tracking, and real-time route optimization based on changing factors en route. The route delivery planner app allows you to plan deliveries up to five weeks in advance, analyze the driver’s performance and distribute their workloads, and it collects data to give you reports on your performance. Further, the app provides flexible subscription plans and lets you import thousands of orders, and automates the scheduling and delivery route planning.  Road Warrior Source This app allows users to plan routes for up to eight stops or 50 optimized stops for free. It lets users plan multiple routes at the same time and live-track all the deliveries. Further, the app is efficient for both individual users as well as an entire team and considers essential factors such as traffic, automatic scheduling, availability of routes, etc,  Ending Note: Quick Wrap Up The overwhelming features of the software that are integrated into today's delivery route planner apps are making it easier to part ways with traditional methods. The response to this software is remarkable, especially because they are easy to use and consists of interactive interfaces. The problem lies in choosing the best amongst the crowd, and only you can evaluate your business requirement with the features available for a particular software to get the maximum results possible. Hence, choose well, choose wisely.  Delivery Route Planning: FAQs What is Delivery Route Planning?Delivery route planning is the process of determining the most efficient route for delivery vehicles to follow in order to make deliveries to multiple locations. It involves taking into account factors such as distance, traffic, delivery windows, and delivery priorities. Why is Delivery Route Planning Important?Delivery route planning is important because it can help companies reduce their delivery costs, improve their delivery speed, and increase customer satisfaction. By optimizing their delivery routes, companies can minimize the distance their vehicles need to travel, which can reduce fuel costs and improve delivery times. How Do Companies Typically Plan their Delivery Routes?Companies typically use software programs specifically designed for delivery route planning. These programs take into account a range of factors, including delivery addresses, delivery windows, traffic conditions, and the size and capacity of delivery vehicles, in order to generate the most efficient delivery routes. What are Some Common Challenges in Delivery Route Planning?Some common challenges in delivery route planning include traffic congestion, unpredictable weather conditions, unexpected delivery changes or cancellations, and road closures or detours. Companies may also need to account for different types of delivery vehicles and varying delivery windows, which can further complicate the route planning process. Can Delivery Route Planning Be Automated?Yes, delivery route planning can be automated using specialized software tools. These tools can consider a wide range of factors, such as the location of delivery addresses, the size and capacity of delivery vehicles, and the availability of drivers, to generate the most efficient delivery routes. Automating the delivery route planning process can save time and resources and can help companies improve their delivery efficiency and customer satisfaction.

March 25, 2023

Freight Forwarding in Logistics: Types, Stages, & Key Functions 2024

Freight Forwarding in Logistics: Types, Stages, & Key Functions 2024

Freight forwarding in logistics plays an important role when it comes to the logistics of commercial goods. Transporting commercial goods in bulk can be extremely difficult. It costs a lot of money and is a time-consuming process. However, freight forwarders can aid manufacturers in easily fulfilling their shipping requirements by streamlining the freight logistics and supply chain process. They are well equipped with vast knowledge, technology, network, and sources to help businesses transport and expand globally while saving both money and time. In this article, we will explore freight forwarding, how freight forwarding in logistics actually function, what are its benefits and types as, well as the key stages of freight forwarding.  What is Freight Forwarding? Freight Forwarding in logistics is a practice in commercial trade where third-party agencies, also known as freight forwarding companies, move the manufacturer’s cargo from the point of origin to the desired destination through single or multiple carriers and via various modes of transportation, namely air, sea, road, or railway.  Freight forwarding in logistics includes everything from cargo pickup, transportation, and delivery, along with all the intricate process that comes along the way. Freight forwarding companies are often regulated by the government to ensure that their regulations are maintained and adhered to.  Freight forwarding companies are in charge of what types of cargo are allowed to be transported as well as the amount of cargo that can be transported at the same time. Further, they are responsible for other activities like warehousing, custom brokerages, fare negotiations, tracking, documentation and insurance, licenses, and much more. These companies make freight logistics completely safe and lucrative with their expertise and problem-solving abilities. A variety of freight forwarding companies can be found. However, it is upon you to consider all aspects and choose the right one for your business transit.  [contactus_gynoveda] What is a Freight Forwarder? A freight forwarder is an integral part of the supply chain process in global trade. They are agents or operators who are responsible for handling to transit of cargo from one point to the other vis vie a pickup point to a delivery point, on behalf of the manufacturer. It is important to note that freight forwarders do not own the cargo. They are only supposed to aid in freight logistics.  There are several conditions that a freight forwarder must meet when it comes to delivering cargo. They must ensure that the cargo is picked up from the seller at a given pick-up point and delivered to the buyer at the right place within a stipulated amount of time and money using the best possible routes and resources. They must also make sure that the cargo is delivered in the same conditions under which it was picked up without causing any damage to the goods.  The global trade statistics are remarkable; in 2015 alone, the UNCTAD estimated that about 1687 million tonnes of cargo were shipped in 177.6 million containers in ships that covered 998 billion ton-miles. Hence these numbers have increased over time, and businesses are in dire need of freight forwarders. Freight logistics is a complicated process that requires documentation, licensing, proper storage, and much more. Importers and exporters often rely on such agents for freight forwarding in logistics for bulk volumes of cargo so that everything starting from documentation to cargo monitoring, movement, clearance, inspection, etc, is taken care of, and they can focus on other aspects of the business.  A well-experienced freight forwarder is expected to have the following capabilities -  They must be well experienced with all modes of transportation such as the air, sea, railway, and highway. They must also be well-equipped to carry bulk cargo safely; through each of these mediums. It must provide cost-efficient shipping and transportation solutions to all its customers, individually tailored to their requirements. Large freight forwarders must have sufficient storage space, which is usually measured in terms of warehousing capacity, They must have all relevant shipping documents for international as well as domestic trade. Some of these documents include insurance, customs & port documentation, bills of lading, certificates of Origin, etc.  They must have a well-formed network and goodwill among shipping lines so that they can negotiate freight rates on behalf of the shippers.  They must have an updated license and the ability to arrange for customs clearance.  They must have knowledge and experience to handle external crises during border cargo movements.  What Does a Freight Forwarder Do? Freight forwarders are representatives of freight companies in the freight logistics industry. They are looked upon by businesses because they are responsible for all activities that are undertaken during logistics, including storage, shipping, and delivery. Freight forwarders must have a vast network of contractors, administrative companies, government bodies, and so on so that they can give their clients an affordable and seamless way to send and receive cargo from any part of the world. It is essential to understand the exact function and responsibility of a freight forwarder so that you have a fair idea of what you must expect when approaching freight forwarding in logistics services for your business. Some of these services include -  Arranging Cargo Insurance and Documents Domestic and international shipping is a tricky business and requires extensive documentation along with team coordination to execute it. Some of these documents include bills, customs clearance, port documentation, and so on. A freight forwarder's job is to get these documents arranged for their clients so that they can experience hassle-free logistics services. Further, forwarders also provide customers with a cargo insurance policy which enables them to get reimbursements in case the goods are stolen or damaged during transit.  Related Article: How To Offer Free Deliveries in 2023 For Your Online Store in 10 Ways? Tracking Shipments Freight forwarding in logistics allows customers to experience a transparent transit process. For the very same reason, freight forwarders establish a Transportation Management System so that customers are aware and can track the movement of the cargo during each stage of the transit.  Consolidating Shipments Businesses can save a lot of money if they undergo commercial goods transport with the help of freight forwarders, even when they do not have large volumes of cargo for movement. Forwarders have a lot of customers who do not necessarily need an entire container; in such cases, freight is consolidated for less than the container load, where in multiple consignments of small volumes are booked in the same container. This type of freight logistics spreads the shipping costs between several participating customers, each based on the space they require for the cargo.   Negotiations on Behalf of the Customer Freight forwarders mediate between shippers and goods carriers in the air, ocean, railway, or roads. Their network includes multiple transport partners in several regions, countries as well as continents. With the help of this established relationship, freight forwarders map out the transportation cost and determine the most economical route for transit so that they can come up with cost-effective solutions for their customers. Considering all factors in mind, such as the cargo type, space requirements, timeline, etc, freight forwarders also negotiate and bargain low-cost shipping rates with the carriers.  Cargo Storage Some freight forwarding companies that operate on a large scale also have their own warehousing to store the goods that are supposed to be shipped. These warehouses are equipped with advanced tools and can also sustain cargo that has special storage requirements such as temperature control. However, most forwarders offer services to their customers by arranging storage facilities at locally owned third-party warehouses.  Customs Brokerage Importing and exporting requires permissions and documentation in order to work in a smooth manner. These documents are easily handled by freight forwarders however, even they require a specific license called the customs brokerage license. These licenses are not available for a layman, and hence businesses turn to freight forwarders to complete their transportation process. Once the freight forwarding agent has an updated customs brokerage license, they are automatically qualified to manage extensive documents that are required for transit. Source Types of Freight Forwarding Freight forwarding in logistics is characterized based on the type of cargo and mode of transportation. For example, ocean freight is the type of freight that will use the ocean as a mode of transit. Air freight is transported in aircraft, and truck freight is transported across countries via trucks. Type of Freight ForwardingDescriptionAdvantagesDisadvantagesOcean Freight ForwardingTransportation of goods by sea in large containers.Cost-effective for large volumes, capable of carrying heavy cargo.Slower transit times, subject to weather conditions.Air Freight ForwardingTransportation of goods by aircraft.Fastest mode of transportation, ideal for time-sensitive shipments.Expensive, limited by weight and volume.Truck Freight ForwardingTransportation of goods by road using trucks or vans.Flexible routes, ideal for cross-country and last-mile delivery.Dependent on road conditions, traffic, and distance. 1. Ocean Freight Forwarding Source Ocean or sea freight forwarding in logistics refers to the transportation of goods by sea. The freight is carried in huge containers that are loaded on ocean fleets. Ocean freight forwarding specializes in the transportation of ultra-heavy cargo with deliveries to international destinations. Ocean freights are one of the oldest methods of transportation that are still used by businesses because of their affordability and efficiency. Sea freight allows you to transport goods in bulk where only your shipment takes up the whole container space, this is called Full Container Load or FCL. In another instance, if your shipment does not require the space of a full container, the freight is consolidated and combined with a cargo of other customers, and the cost of shipping is spread among all participants; this method is called Less than container Load or LCL. Both techniques allow seamless transit of goods at a budget that will not pinch your pockets.  2. Air Freight Forwarding Source Air Freight Forwarding allows you to deliver goods over longer distances in a shorter period of time. If your cargo needs to be transported at a remarkable speed, air freight forwarding in logistics is the right option for your business. However, air cargo is restricted in terms of weight n certain items since cargo planes can only carry a certain number of shipments at once. Hence, if speed is your only logistical requirement, air shipments are the way to go.  3. Truck Freight Forwarding Source Truck Freight forwarding in logistics is the most common method of transportation used by businesses, especially for cross-country transportation. As the name suggests, truck freight delivery is conducted through roads and carried via heavy trucks or vans. Road freight is usually the final point in the delivery itinerary. The timeline and speed of transportation all depend on external factors such as highway traffic, congestion, road maintenance, etc. Road freights can be a great option when your goods have arrived at the destination country and you further want to get them transported within several states, cities, or provinces.  What are the Key Stages of Freight Forwarding? Following are the key stages of freight logistics: Export Haulage As per freight forwarders, export haulage is the very first stage in logistics, where the transportation company picks up the cargo from a company to the freight forwarder’s warehouse, which is either a self-owned or a locally owned warehouse. The cargo is usually transferred in trucks. However, it may depend on the distance to the warehouse and the type of cargo. Based on these factors, the time of arrival is also determined. Export customs clearance International transportation of goods requires clearing through customs before entering another country. Custom agents of the country of origin check the cargo and associated paperwork, legal documents as well as permission of transit before allowing it to leave the country. Freight forwarders usually have custom brokers to tackle this stage. Items Checkpoint Item checkpoint is also known as origin handling, which occurs when the cargo is unloaded at the freight forwarder's warehouse. The products are then inspected for damage, and the documents are verified. The freight is also checked to ensure that it will be accepted at the destination. Some of the restricted items include drugs, counterfeit, alcohol, flammable liquids, etc.  Import Custom Clearance After the shipment arrives at the destination country, it is then re-checked to see if the products match, if there is any damage, as well as the legality of the transit. There is a impose fees charged by the customs agent, which are initially covered by the freight forwarder and later billed to the customer.  Destination arrival and handling After clearing import customs, the transportation company arranged by the freight forwarder checks the paperwork of the shipment and prepares the cargo for its delivery at the import warehouse. Import Haulage The last stage of freight logistics is called the import haulage, which takes palace when the cargo arrives at the import warehouse and is then prepared to be delivered at the final destination. Much like export haulage, freight forwarders choose a mode of transportation based on the distance and type of cargo. The recipient usually receives the shipment a few hours or days after it leaves the warehouse.  Conclusion Freight forwarding in logistics is a one-stop solution for all your transportation needs. When you work with a freight forwarder, all the steps and stages are taken care of without any hassle. This ensures timely delivery and cost-effective results and allows you to build a great relationship with your customers. Explore the various types of freight forwarding companies and, based on your business and product type, choose the right freight partner to guide you in every aspect of commercial transportation. Freight Forwarding: FAQs

March 24, 2023