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10 Techniques to Generate eCommerce Customer Feedback in 2024 to Enhance Customer Satisfaction and an Exclusive Look at WareIQ’s Customer Feedback App

The primary objective of most eCommerce companies is to sell their products to as many customers as possible and ensure that they have a good experience in order to increase their chances of getting repeat purchases. Getting genuine eCommerce customer feedback has multiple advantages for a business. If customers have a good experience, retailers would want to highlight it in the form of testimonials, reviews on their website or listing platform and feedback on online forums.

Customers generally take existing or prior customer feedback into consideration when trying to make a choice about which brand to purchase from. Positive customer feedback can mean the difference between customers choosing a particular firm as opposed to its competitors. Conversely, negative feedback can have similar implications but in reverse. However, it is important for retailers to take it sportingly and to try and solve the issues that customers have faced, either with their overall experience or granular aspects of their order. Abrupt resolution of issues can also lead to enhanced customer appreciation.

Read along as we go into more detail about eCommerce customer feedback, why it is important, how it benefits your business, 10 ways to push for customer feedback in eCommerce, and how WareIQ’s customer feedback app can help.

What is Customer Feedback in eCommerce?

Customer feedback in eCommerce refers to the expression of a customer’s experience with different aspects of a company’s purchase and fulfillment processes, either directly to the company through telephone, message, or email communication, indirectly through reviews on their website or the listing platform where the order was initiated, or externally through online forums and group chats. This feedback can either be positive, negative, or in between, where customers may have liked certain aspects of the purchase or post-purchase experience but expectations may have fallen short during the delivery experience.

This feedback is valuable for an eCommerce business as positive feedback can encourage other customers to make a purchase while negative feedback can be a roadblock to new customers’ willingness to give the business a try. It is also important how a business reacts to negative feedback. While some businesses make an effort to take customer feedback into consideration and try and correct any mishaps that occurred, other businesses either don’t respond or don’t make an effort to win over the customer, which can have dire consequences.

WareIQ – Amazon-prime Like Logistics for Modern Brands in India

WareIQ, an eCommerce fulfillment company, empowers online brands with a superior-tech platform to compete with Amazon like service levels by bringing their average delivery timelines from 5-10 days to 1-2 days.

"With WareIQ’s full stack digital enabled fulfillment solution, we got access to the pan India network of fulfillment centers & cold storage facilities enabling same/next day delivery, without any upfront investment in supply chain infrastructure from our end. During the IPL campaign in April 2022, WareIQ efficiently handled unpredictable 200x surges in daily order volumes of ~20k/day with a 99% fulfillment rate. With WareIQ as our preferred fulfillment partner, we witnessed 172% growth in online order volume in just 4 months, with a significant improvement in the overall customer experience in fulfillment."
- Damanbir Singh, Product & Operations Head, Lil’Goodness

Important Statistics in Regards to eCommerce Customer Feedback

eCommerce is often regarded as a numbers game and it is important for retailers to keep track of various metrics of their business, including their successes and failures, which can be identified through customer feedback and user experience. We have compiled a list of important statistics that highlight the importance of eCommerce customer feedback. They are listed below:

  • A study by Womply indicated that businesses that respond to at least 25% of eCommerce customer reviews can get an increase of 35% in their revenue.
  • In a survey conducted by Podium, 93% of respondents indicate that reviews impact their purchasing decisions.
  • In a poll by Broadly, 84% of respondents claimed that eCommerce customer reviews carried the same weight as recommendations from friends or family.
  • According to ReviewTrackers, Facebook and Google are the online platforms where customer reviews get the most visibility.
  • A study by Vonage found that businesses in the US lose an estimated $62 billion annually due to sub-par customer service.
  • Online consumer behavior research by KPMG shows that at least 30% of online shoppers mostly mobile shoppers, have shared online feedback.
  • A Zendesk study found that 97% of respondents said that poor customer service can lead to a change in their purchasing habits.
  • According to a study conducted by Cone, 80% of respondents said that negative reviews impacted their decision to buy a product.
  • A survey by Bazaarvoice indicated that 70% of those polled changed their perception of a company depending on how they responded to eCommerce customer reviews.
  • According to the Spiegel Research Center, products with at least 5 reviews were 270% more likely to be purchased compared to products with 0 reviews. Additionally, expensive products that had reviews could increase their conversion rates by upwards of 380%.

Benefits of Getting eCommerce Customer Reviews

Enhances Customer Satisfaction

By allowing customer feedback in eCommerce through the form of reviews or direct communication, retailers can get valuable insights into the experience and varying opinions of customers on different aspects of the business and can help them gauge what goes down well with customers and what doesn’t. This helps improve customer satisfaction for both customers that had their issues rectified and future customers who will benefit from the improvement in whichever processes that were causing dissatisfaction.

Results in Loyal Customers

Every business strives to generate enough satisfaction in the overall interactions that customers have with their business so that they will ultimately be loyal to the brand and not divert their business elsewhere when they need similar products. Paying attention to customer feedback in eCommerce will help companies accomplish just that by taking their suggestions and feedback into account and can show them that their words can make a difference and result in improvements. This makes customers feel special and they can often develop a bond with a business that goes deeper than just supply and demand.

Streamlines Multiple Processes

Because the success of a business and the happiness are directly proportional, it pays dividends to listen to customer feedback in eCommerce in order to make the necessary tweaks to make a bad product good or a good product even better. For example, if a business sells earphones and the feedback is generally positive but there are an overwhelming amount of reviews saying that they would be even better if they were louder or the bass was more extreme, the retailer could take that into consideration for the next iteration of the product so that it could be even more successful.

Reduces the Cost of Customer Acquisition

Research indicates that if a business is able to retain just 20% of its customers, its revenue can increase by up to 80%. Another plus point is that it is much cheaper and easier to maintain existing customers because retailers would have an idea of what they like and what they don’t and they can always release new products and run promotional campaigns to target existing customers which will help create hype and attract new customers.

Generates Important Analytics

It is important for businesses to measure every aspect of their eCommerce processes and this holds especially true for eCommerce customer feedback. Reviews from customers are a good KPI to measure the reception of a product in the real world. Retailers can understand whether the price is too high or low, if the product is being promoted to the right audience if certain elements need to be added or removed, and much more. This helps them measure their overall success and make future adjustments and strategies accordingly.

10 Techniques to Get eCommerce Customer Feedback for Your Business in 2024

Keep in Touch With Customers Post-Purchase

By recording the contact information of prior customers and keeping in touch with them even after their product has been delivered, retailers can ask for feedback and find out which parts of the purchase and delivery experience they were satisfied with and which needed improvement. This will help customers get a positive impression about the business and it will linger in their mind, which will help when promoting a new product or running ad campaigns that target existing and prior customers.

Encourage Customers to Provide Feedback

Retailers can encourage customers to leave reviews by providing incentives such as vouchers, coupons, discounts, free shipping on future orders and much more. This will not only result in more reviews, feedback and customer satisfaction but will also create a situation where they would want to take advantage of the benefits provided on future orders such as free shipping because they left a review on a previous order. This will also coax them to leave reviews as many times as they can in order to receive even more advantages. 

Make it Simple for Customers to Leave Reviews

Retailers need to strike a balance between subtly encouraging customers to leave reviews and constantly popping up review pages when they are just trying to browse or checkout as it can be construed as spam and will ultimately discourage them from leaving feedback and may even have a negative impact on them visiting your page again. eCommerce customer feedback pages should be located in strategic locations such as after a payment has been made or after they have received their order. If they have had a noteworthy experience, they can mention it in the review.

Publish Positive and Negative Reviews

It may seem counterintuitive to include reviews that tarnish the name of a brand. However, it actually provides more credibility as customers might be weary if there are only a sea of positive reviews with no mention of any complaints or incidents as after all, everyone is human. Negative reviews can also have positive impacts in certain situations such as if a review highlights minor incidents that wouldn’t be a problem for more and attacks the brand, which garners sympathy towards the company from potential customers or if a review mentions something that may be seen as a negative to some people but a positive to others such as a phone having complex software features.

Highlight Reviews That Contain Important Product Information

When scrolling through eCommerce customer reviews, consumers generally want to find information relating to the product quality, pricing, delivery experience and durability, among others. Placing reviews that contain a detailed description about the product and overall user experience can give customers all the information they need to make a well-informed decision and be happy with their purchase.

Provide Reviews Relating to Different Aspects of the Business

eCommerce customer reviews that contain information not only about the product but also about the purchase, customer support and delivery experience, can help customers get a better idea about how easy it is to order and pay, how long it takes for the order to arrive and how helpful the customer care team were if and when any query or issue should arise. This will enable customers to decide whether that brand provides a more positive experience compared to its competitors.

Respond and Engage With Existing Reviews

As mentioned above, research suggests that 70% of customers change their perception of a brand depending on how they respond to eCommerce customer feedback. It makes less of a difference if businesses do not reply to positive reviews, even though showing appreciation to customers by saying a small thank you could only improve their reputation in the eyes of potential customers. However, not responding to negative reviews and addressing customer complaints can amplify the negative sentiments that are echoed by those customers, in the eyes of new customers.

Conduct Mass Customer Surveys

Sending out surveys to customers so that they can answer predetermined questions can be an easy way to get a large amount of eCommerce customer feedback in a relatively short period of time. Rather than prompting each customer to leave a review, surveys can reduce the amount of time and effort needed to accomplish a similar goal. Surveys can be segmented into 2 groups – prospective customer surveys and existing customer surveys. Each survey will highlight different facets of the business, depending on the stage that the customer is in.

Invest in a Review Service

If a retailer doesn’t have the time or the resources to push for eCommerce customer feedback, they can always opt for a specialised review service that takes care of generating customer reviews for them. For a specified fee, they can increase the amount of reviews that are submitted, organise reviews based on a number of factors and reduce the amount of time that the whole process takes.

Provide a Rating Option on Various Pages

Product ratings are like a summary of reviews. If it is not feasible to provide detailed reviews on every page, retailers can just highlight the ratings of a particular product or service to give prospective customers an idea of the overall feedback. It is also easier to get ratings from customers compared to reviews as it is just one click rather than them needing to write an entire sentence or paragraph.

How WareIQ’s Customer Feedback App Can Collect eCommerce Customer Reviews to Analyse Brand Perception & Address Your Customer Grievances?

Customer feedback in eCommerce is of enormous importance as it not only determines whether prior customers will return to a business, it also decides the kind of impression a company will make on new customers and whether they will choose to give their business to them or a competitor. It is imperative for eCommerce retailers to provide the best possible experience to every customer and push for feedback so that they can publicize positive reviews and use negative reviews as a learning curve to improve the aspects of their business that was responsible for the dissatisfaction. If you are an eCommerce retailer that needs assistance with generating and managing eCommerce customer reviews, WareIQ’s Customer Feedback app has got you covered.

With WareIQ’s Customer Feedback app, we help users to streamline their eCommerce customer feedback processes to generate a larger number of reviews in a seamless and effortless manner. The app can simply be downloaded from our app store that also comes stocked with a whole host of other apps to enhance productivity in different areas of eCommerce. Anyone who has downloaded apps from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store will have an easy time downloading any app they need. A few of the unique features that our Customer Feedback app offers are listed below:

Quantifies Customer Experience, Analyzes Brand Perception and Builds Brand Loyalty

We will help you understand the overall customer sentiment towards your brand as well as help in identifying opportunities to enhance their user experience and increase their trust.

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Helps You Get a Detailed Understanding About What Your Customers Have to Say

Using the Customer Feedback app, you can track and follow every customer’s feedback to instantly answer their queries, rectify any escalations and thank them for their business.

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Helps You Get a Better Understanding of Your Customers

You can get access to a 360-degree dashboard that enables you to analyse and understand every aspect of the behaviour of your customers through specifically-curated data.

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Benefits of Using the Customer Feedback App

  • Improves customer retention
  • Enhances customer satisfaction
  • Analyses customer behaviour
  • Increases brand perception
  • Pinpoints unsatisfied customers
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eCommerce Customer Feedback: FAQs

Pavel D’silva

Pavel D’silva

Pavel is a content marketing analyst at WareIQ. He has more than 3 years of content marketing experience. His key responsibilities include writing SEO-based blogs, guides, guest posts, and other types of content on a plethora of topics related to eCommerce fulfillment, operations, supply chain, warehousing, shipping etc.

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